Bali Steemit meet-up confirmed for Aug 1st with follow-up day in the jungle!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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I gave up my speaker's position at last week's Hubud Bitcoin meet-up to make way for an emergency discussion, designed to calm our nerves during these extreme market price fluctuations in the build-up to the potential BTC Segwit split.


It was a very interesting meeting which I intend to tell you about in detail, but the overall consensus was that things are going to be just fine in Crypto World once all the speculation & fear based dumping of BTC comes to an end.


This morning I confirmed with the organiser of the weekly Bitcoin meet-up at Hubud that I will be speaking for an hour and a half on the subject of Steemit, ten days from now on August 1st.

Those of you in Bali I strongly encourage you to attend. I could use the support!

The venue Hubud is an amazing co-working space

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I will be using one of these lovely bamboo meeting rooms to inspire and excite the Bali Bitcoin Community about Steemit.

I used to be a film-maker, but now I am so much more...

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I will tell the story of my own experience on Steemit and I will explain the basics of this first of its kind, life-changing, decentralised social media platform, built around a cryptocurrency reward system with the potential to change the world of social media as we know it!

It is my absolute pleasure to have this opportunity to shed some light upon the darkness which beseeches the lives of so many still trapped by the thinking of our previous paradigm.

Evolution is happening for those who are welcoming it.

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The Grand Plan

It is my intention to build interest amongst this Bali Bitcoin Community to the point where there is demand for more...

An hour and a half is not enough to explain everything!

So a second Steemit meet-up will be held at the Taman Petanu Eco Neighbourhood in the amphitheatre, weather permitting. A projector and screen will be available, but electricity power points for everyone ain't gonna happen, so fully charged laptops will be essential!

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This will be an entire day of Steemit training!

Designed for those who wish to springboard themselves onto the platform and see immediate results, unlike so many of those lost minnows out there.

Who am I & why should you care?

I am an award winning film-maker/photographer with no fixed address, no bank account and no faith in our current economic system. I travel with my partner and two young children in search of truth and beauty. And we are currently based in Bali.

Steemit is perfect for me because I have been documenting my life with films and photography ever since I quit the rat race in London back in 2013 and set out into the world on my never-ending journey of discovery.

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  • I started using the platform 4 months after its inception in Aug '16

  • I am currently ranked at #114 (based on reputation) and have acquired much knowledge along the way

  • I have been living on Steem exclusively for the last three months, cashing out to IDR each week at the local Bitcoin Exchange

And I created this situation with no investment of any kind other than the hours spent at my computer & a good library of international photography.

Oh yeah, and I don't wear shoes!

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With no prior knowledge of this platform or even cryptocurrency, a fair amount of time was dedicated to Steemit in my first month while the learning curve was still steep.

But today I have an automated upvoting system in place on multiple accounts, I am trading cryptocurrencies and am currently mining four coins.

In short I have developed a simple system for creating a steady income which does not involve the use of a bank account and I would like to share it now with as many people as possible here in Bali.

Topics to be covered:

  • The age of cryptocurrency, decentralisation & the blockchain

  • Setting up your Bitcoin wallet (if you don't already have one!)

  • Steem, Steem Dollars & Steem Power...and how to cash out!

  • The Steemit curation/upvote reward system (the best time to vote & the kind of accounts you should be voting for)

  • Optimising your posts (titles, thumbnails, content, presentation, tagging)

  • Post Promotion (, Discord & Facebook groups)

  • How to trade cryptocurrency (using Bittrex)

  • Understanding mining (focusing on cloud mining with Genesis)


If it gets too hot we will all jump into the bio pool and enjoy having our feet nibbled upon by the many fish which live in there!

Blessings to you all and hope to see you soon here in Ubud.

I will of course film the entire day for those of you interested in watching it.

There will be no charge for this event.

Welcome to the Gift Economy :)

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You are an inspiration to Steemians. That place looks amazing and I wish I could be there. Best wishes for success.

Thanks very much. Hopefully the film will help you feel like you were there with us :)

Appreciate your kind comment.

Cool well done sam :) Ill be there for sure.

Great! See you there bro ;)

I know a bushcrafter near me who has made a name for himself.... and he does not wear shoes either most of the year and it snows here as you know LOL.

Barefoot Bushcraft.

no bank account and no faith in our current economic system. I travel with my partner and two young children in search of truth and beautry.

I love it man, there is a minor spelling mistake there but that really stuck out to me, you have been such a good Steemian to so many of us.

I like you dude, Steem On.

haha! Thanks Barry! That's what happens when you get up at 4am and don't finish the post till 9am! Appreciate you looking out for me :)

I do like to maintain a high standard of quality!

Steem on brother :)

Such an inspiration! I wish I could join the event. Hopefully, there are some kind-hearted steemians willing to share what's discussed. Good luck!

Better still you can watch the film!

Thanks for your kind comment ;)

Whooaaah....awesome! Can't wait to see it! 👍

So proud of you darling Sammy

Lots of love from your Mumsy!

Love you too mumsy :) x

Blessings for you !!

Hope you all have a good and productive day, wish I could join you!

Thanks Lakshmi :) I will make sure you get a link to the film if you're interested.

Yes, please do. i enjoyed watching the last time!

Definitely worth an upvoted and a resteem :)

interesting, see you :)

Yes, am very much looking forward to it. I believe there will be a live stream through Youtube

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58833.91
ETH 3155.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44