in #news7 years ago

Steemians, recently I had the chance to talk with Senator and Our Revolution political figurehead Bernie Sanders about his Medicare for All townhall and what his hopes for Dreamers and the undocumented citizenry whose collective future hangs in the balance in the coming months.

We're really happy with how the interview turned out. If you have any questions for politicians leave them in the comments and we will do our best to ask them next time we get a big political figure like Bernie on the show.


Great conversation. It will be interesting to see if we actually get a Democratic candidate willing to stand up for these values in an opposition next election, or if we will have the same old, same old corporate Democrat.

OMG, first I see David Pakman, and now this douche. Steemit does not want you here. This is not a platform for big government loving commies. Get lost before the whales on here make you disappear in embarrassment.

Steemit does not want you here.

Speak for yourself. I can assure you that most people do.

This is not a platform for big government loving commies.

Of course it is. The real value in steem-based media is that it is a platform for anyone to express their opinions and their views without the fear of censorship. It is an open and free marketplace for ideas, including those that you may not like.

Get lost before the whales on here make you disappear in embarrassment.

If serious creators like Sam Seder continues to get spam and flags by trolls like you, I can assure you they will instead gain whale upvotes in pure sympathy. As whales are large stakeholders in the platform and want to see it grow in use and popularity, including use from people they may disagree with entirely.

So I would rather give the message to you that steem and steemit is not a safe space, even though you obviously want it to be seeing how triggered you get by observing conflicting views. You have far more in common with the Antifa far left mob protesting at University campuses than anyone I'm yet to see on steemit.

I considered flagging your comment, but would rather pin mine to the top to get this message into peoples head.

See my reply to bubbleboy the commie below.

You are such a snowflake who can't handle hearing opposing views.

It's not about me not tolerating opposing views. It's about Seder being AGAINST Steemit. He is against it, but trying to use it. But after some thought, I have changed my mind. Even if everything he stands for goes against the Steemit and crypto philosophy, we would be no better than him if we censored him. So yeah, I changed my view on the matter.

What about him is against steemit in your view? As far as I can tell, one should be able to occupy any part of the political spectrum and still have a place on steemit to share their ideas. I don't see a conflict between liberal ideas and the technology behind cryptocurrencies or the goals of steemit. (Not that I agree with everything liberals say).

Anyway, I am glad you agree on the key point I wanted to address.

Love it. Let’s turn Steemit into our current financial system where you have to bend the knee to Wall Street overlords or suffer banishment to the fringes. Sounds like a hoot.

We don't bend to wallstreet, we bend to the government who is owned by wallstreet. D-bags like Sam Sender don't understand it, and wants MORE government, to have MORE power. This guy is an idiot, and needs to stay OFF platforms like this, because what he supports goes AGAINST things like steemit. But hey, probably a bit complicated for you to understand. You are just there like ................

Right, because basic services like roads & infrastructure lead us on the path to authoritarianism. Mmmkay.

Also, it's a tad ironic seeing a libertarian tell folks where they should or should not share their thoughts. I'd recommend following freedom-loving leaders here like @aggroed who welcomes dissenting views on the platform. Turning Steemit into an ideological monolith seems so...boring.

No, basic services RAN BY GOVERNMENT do. Socialist / commies like Bernie, and Seder should not be here. It's not a question of free speech, it's a question of them being AGAINST steemit, crypto currency, and what it stands for. Kind of like a black guy going to a klan rally.

Okay, I'll bite. What is it, exactly, about Steemit that convinced you that it is intended to exclude certain people and/or ideologies? Indeed, why does your "klan rally" look so much like a public forum to me? I suppose its creators forgot to put in suitable mechanisms for them to police the content & enforce such exclusion? Bernie and Seder are discussing popular ideas for public policy in a country where many Steemit users reside. If that's not the sort of thing that one might discuss in a public forum, I'm not sure what is.


Ask him how America could afford single payer if it would cost $400 billion a year in CA alone?

We already spend trillions on healthcare per year and it’s continuing to grow at an exponential rate. Health spending is quickly approaching 20% of our GDP. Not sure single payer is the answer but our current system is effectively legalized price gouging.

the answer would be to do away with government subsidies entirely and to let the market bring costs under control, these subsidies create price floors.

A huge reason we're being gouged is because big pharma has exercised their constitutional right to use their capital to buy off Congress. Thus allowing them to set the outrageous prices without negotiation and barring Americans from buying affordable meds from across the border. One subsidy we need to be rid of is the legalized bribery of politicians.

they can only do that because the US government buys so many drugs in the first place.

Cool, haven't heard from Bernie in ages. Was there any subject you wished you had a chance to push him on more? Is this the first time he has been on the show?

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