Tornado Trump Trail Blazes Through Europe

in #news6 years ago

The vast majority of people are ignorant about world politics. They don't understand, they are not interested, their horizons are elsewhere. I guess that's why I write this blog, because there are so very few people to talk to about such matters. Now, you can have a superficial conversation about Trump. What a misogynist, what a racist, what a blustering Yank trying to push us all around. However, although I am certainly not privy to such information, I have this feeling there is a lot more going on behind the scenes. The Left have ignored it, the way they have 9/11, because I believe they fear being tainted with the conspiracy brush. However, to deny the role of conspiracy is to be ignorant of history. Anyway, this is less strictly conspiracy and more trying to ascertain what is occurring behind closed doors.


Trump's first port of call in Europe was NATO. Here he stirred things up with what Trump sees as a major trade competitor Germany. He claimed they were "totally controlled by Russia" and then told members that they would have to increase (double!) their contributions. His choice of undiplomatic language, like "delinquent" and "captive" reveal the blunt style that has riled liberals everywhere. Trump said;

"How can you be together when a country is getting its energy from the person you want protection against or from the group that you want protection against? CNN

This clearly reveals that business lies at the heart of the matter. Trade and the supply of energy in particular are key factors in our world. In competition to Russia and Iran the US want to supply Natural Liquid Gas to Europe. Trump is a businessman and he is focused on this matter. A general lack of commitment to NATO displays both a broke US forcing its allies to cough up more, but also one that wants to leave countering the fallacious Russian aggression to European countries.


Massive protests during his visit to Britain show unsurprisingly Trump is not very popular in the UK. The visit was a disaster for the British ruling elite. Already facing a shambolic and chaotic Brexit, the last thing PM Theresa May needed was the US president not only attacking her for ignoring his Brexit advise, but praising an arch rival (Boris Johnson), who has just quit her government and could be the focus of a future leadership challenge. May's response was to hold hands, smile and show Trump around all the best sights; Blenheim Palace, Chequers and Windsor. Before he flew off to check out his own golf courses in Scotland.


Ever since the UK were assisted in WW2 by the Americans the British ruling elite have projected the idea of a "special relationship". Now we see it clearly, the weak child who tags after the bully boy. Of course behind the courting of the Trump lies the hold out for the promise of a trade deal with the US. As part of his 'America First' agenda Trump is currently renegotiating all trade deals - and this naturally means others will take first, second, or third place ahead of the UK in any trade deal queues. These fears have not been allayed by what is perceived as undiplomatic, rude behaviour.

The protests organised against Trump were the largest seen in the UK since those organised against the Iraq war in 2003. Not only was there a mass turnout of over 250,000 people, the crowd itself was diverse and represented many different interests. The tone was set by the four metre high orange baby blimp. For allowing it the London Mayor Sadiq Khan earned his own "beastly comments" from Trump. One of the speakers at the rally was the Labour leader Corbyn who said:

“We are asserting our rights to democracy, our rights to freedom of speech and our rights to want a world that is not divided by misogyny, racism and hate.” The Guardian


The focus on Trump's personality is shallow at best. If only we had nice people running the world!! What bulls**t. Nice people like Obama and Clinton? Obama the Teleprompter President, or Clinton who has a fake charity and has covered up who knows how many crimes committed by her husband. This is what we only know about publicly. The Labour leader Corbyn is a nice guy, you feel politically he should be moving in for the kill against the terribly divided and crisis stricken Tory Government of Theresa May. Throughout the country massive public spending cuts have been imposed through local governments often run by the Labour party. Their defence? We have to get Labour elected – then with those nasty Tories out we can improve things. This belief reflects complete ignorance with the way the world really operates and blinds people to taking effective political action.

This is one arena in which politics is contained. By restricting discussion to the individual it ignores the more complex interplay with geopolitical affairs. Trump was not elected because he was a reality TV star, or because Americans are racist red-necks (though obviously some are), nor because of Russian interference. Trump was elected because the majority of Americans felt he was telling the truth about the state of the country after decades of off shoring jobs to Asia while living standards for the working and middle class fell.

The reality is that Trump has inherited a country on the verge of bankruptcy. The monetary agreement put in place at Bretton Woods after World War Two made the US dollar the world's reserve currency on which fair trade, balance and economic stability where ensured. Nixon was forced to close the gold window which tethered the dollar to gold in 1971 and the world embarked on a fiat currency experiment. These paper backed currencies typically have a life span of about 40 years before the inevitable decline and collapse.

We all know that the entire Western banking system collapsed in 2008 and since then we have bailed out our entire banking system and economy by unsterilised money printing. This is at least $12 trillion officially, but probably much much more. This has been accompanied by a currency war between all of the major trading powers and nascent trade wars. It is completely undermining world trade and world relations. It is the reason for the increased tension with China. It is the reason for the new Cold War 2.0. It is the reason for Trump's stance. The stark reality is that the world is still in an economic depression. This is the reality beneath the surface.


Basically a currency reset is on its way – sooner or later. It will be one in which both the Chinese and the Russians will have a say. Possibly a basket of currencies and commodities will be used. The days of the King Dollar are rapidly drawing to a close. This represents an enormous shift in geopolitical realignments in the world. One in which the US will have to take their place as a partner in a multi-polar world.

It is difficult to know exactly what Trump knows, especially as his own words are often contradictory. Is this to keep his enemies on their toes? (It reminds me of Nixon’s ‘’madman antics’’ during the later stages of the Vietnam War) He knows Clinton is a criminal, he knows the media are operating against him, he knows that a Deep State exists and he is in open conflict with the FBI. Trump wants to withdraw troops from various arenas of conflict, but he knows this can't happen without Russian help.

I suspect he knows that we are reaching the end days of the American Empire, and as a "patriot" he wants the best deal for his country. The Deep State are still heavily engaged in keeping the Empire going and the US$ system alive. They seem to be the ones incapable of admitting that they have lost their status as sole superpower in the world. They have failed to take Syria and overthrow Assad with a view to using this as a stepping stone towards regime change in Iran. Besides this, there is the contained failed war ongoing in the Ukraine. This is at the heart of the deep divide in the US ruling class, and why there is such hatred shown towards Trump. It really has nothing to do with his attitudes towards immigrants or women.

This can be seen nowhere more clearly than in Trump's relationship with Putin. Trump was furious when he wasn't told that Putin had been the first to call to congratulate him following his election win. He is naturally dismissive of the claims of election interference, and is very wary of the media's Anti-Russian propaganda. Despite condemnation, Trump met Putin.

Another indication of the new multi-polar world emerging is to be found in the developments in North Korea. Despite lots of blustering threats and tweets, Trump met Kim. Dmitry Orlov, regular geopolitical blogger, has suggested that the reunification of the Korean peninsula will be the historic equivalent of the fall of the Berlin wall. ClubOrlov

The icing on the cake of Trump's European tour was his visit to Helsinki to meet Putin. It is possibly the main reason for the visit. Despite huge pressures Trump met with Putin. Trump went so far as to blame previous US administrations for poor relations with Russia in the past. He has now been accused of "treasonous conduct" and further calls for his impeachment have been raised. The Independent


The meeting and Trump's attitude towards Putin has seriously compromised the narrative of Russian aggression that the deep state and media propagate. Russia has been accused of both political and military aggression. For example, the UK has been the recent source of allegations of Russian poisoning attacks. In the US a long running campaign to prove that Russia meddled in the US elections resulting in Trump's election, and the production of Trump's ‘Russia Dossier’. In an interview Trump called the Mueller investigation a “phony witch hunt deal”. Fox news

The entire anti-Russian hysteria will continue to sound hollow to more and more ordinary people in America. The entire aim of the campaign was to drive a wedge between the Trump and Putin and prevent a meeting. Now the US have a president openly dismissing his own intelligence services which is unprecedented. In response Chuck Schumer, minority leader in the Senate, stated;

"What could possibly cause President Trump to put the interests of Russia over those of the United States?" The Independent

The US is still a military superpower without precedent with hundreds of military bases all over the world. Japan and Germany are still technically occupied countries. NATO has expanded its borders continually since the collapse of the Soviet Union despite promises not to made by President Bush senior to Gorbachev. However, US military spending is bankrupting the country. There is at least $21 trillion 'missing' from US defence spending. Forbes and Solari ReportThat's equal to the entire US government debt! Trump has stated as an objective that he wants to bring the troops home. This is very popular in the US where people are sick of dying to 'help' others.

Big though doesn't always necessary mean better. Technological advances, such as electronic warfare devices and air defence systems, have rebalanced forces. This has been demonstrated clearly in Syria. In the April strike the Russian Ministry of Defence claimed that Syria’s Russian made air defences intercepted 71 of the 103 missiles launched. South Front The US is starting to look to many like a giant on its knees. The reality is that to extricate the US from Syria, Trump requires the cooperation of Putin.

Trump's visit to Europe has exposed the major strains between old allies. NATOs rationale is being completely undermined and Germany insulted. The UKs special relationship with the U.S. looks like an anachronistic museum piece. Meanwhile, sanctions and wars to prevent the supply of cheap energy, in favour of expensive US oil/gas exports, threaten Europe's "free trade" and ability to be competitive. In both the European and Asian continents previous allies are beginning to see that they may have to make their own security arrangements and that they can no longer rely on the US to be the world's policeman.

Whilst the world focus' on Trump's rude behaviour and personality there is an economic and political realignment of the world taking place. Trump’s seemingly incoherent and contradictory messages and actions make him appear an idiot. However, the fact is that behind the scenes this is a president who is grappling with the reality of a collapsing empire. In trying to position America first he is alienating friends. By seeking to develop a better working relationship with Russia he undermines his own country's long-standing rhetoric and perception of its own military/economic might.

We must though differentiate between those who don't like what Trump stands for and those within the American establishment who have used every trick in the book to discredit and harness genuine anger for their own purposes. It is not just that Trump is a wild card, or that he has threatened to drop truth bombs, or that his supporters have been politically awakened to the true state of the US. It is all of them. The man is a contradiction, super wealthy, but elected by those fed up with the super wealthy. Let's not forget though that at the end of the day in his own words;

"I’m not a schmuck. Even if the world goes to hell in a handbasket, I won’t lose a penny". Trump quotes

I imagine a highlight of Trump's European tour was sitting in Winston Churchill's chair. Trump wants to emulate those whom he sees as great leaders in history. The British press were furious about it. Trump's reception in the UK will not have pleased him very much. Trump's European tour has revealed how old allies are now being alienated. This is a man that causes uneasiness and ruffled feathers wherever he goes. It's not just his personality though, repositioning America in a post King Dollar world will be a transition maybe more shocking than the collapse of the Soviet Union or Donald Trump's tweets.



Tornado Trump is a resultant of the increasing pressure and currents caused by hot air generated through perpetual oscillation. Known through the technical terminology as "Serial flip-floppination".

Thought provoking stuff!

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