Comey's Memo's in 7 tasty bite sized pieces

in #news6 years ago

On Thursday 19th April former FBI director James Comey released his memo's on conversations he had with Donald Trump. The presstitute media is already hacking the memo's to pieces to serve up as bite sized propaganda chunks to the fishes. Below are the 7 main points I got out of the memo:

  1. Trump really hoped he could have counted on former FBI director James Comey to expose the Clintons and the Democratic party, and the entire trumped up anti-Russian smear campaign.
  2. Trump's major concern was with the email investigation into Hilary Clinton. It shows us Trump has a detailed and keen understanding of the crime.
  3. Trump was surprised the media hadn't run with the story about Russian prostitutes and golden showers before now. He's a womanizing sleazebag, and you can only feel sorry for the deluded wife.
  4. Trump found out Putin redacted rang him not long after his election to congratulate him. He thought it was Theresa May and toasted her accordingly. A call back was scheduled for 6 days later to Putin redacted and Trump was mad as hell to not be told.
  5. There is clearly something secretive hanging above James Comey and Michael Flynn, former national security advisor. "There was no mention by either of us of redacted."
  6. Trump is still trying to determine if the Californian Democrat Devin Nunes is the driving force in the Trump/anti-Russian campaign, or who is behind him?
  7. Ultimately Comey wasn't much help blocked as he was by the Attorney General's Office.

Finally we are left wondering what is Comey's motivation in doing this. He certainly comes out of it looking like he has a polished halo. An entry ticket to politics? Trump feels personally aggrieved, and maybe Comey is getting personal revenge. Of course can we count out the possibility that the deep state have got to him, or that he was in their pocket the whole time?


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