Worldwide Sex Slave Market

in #news2 years ago

"The FBI created an undercover platform advertising kidnapped women for sale as sexual and domestic slaves.

“Almost immediately there were responses,” Blay said. “We weren’t interested in individuals who were just pursuing some sort of fantasy,” he explained. “The only people we wanted were those who were serious about buying kidnapped women.”

The undercover operative posing as the seller “actually tried to talk people out of it,” Blay said. “He stressed that these women would be taken against their will and the transaction would be illegal in every possible way.”"

"IN perhaps a first for TV, CBS News corre spondent Peter Van Sant actually buys a slave on-camera, in tonight’s “48 Hours Mystery: Rescued from the Shadows.”

Van Sant and crew traveled to Romania, among other places, to investigate the billion-dollar slave trade, which is flourishing all over the world, and was able to buy a young woman within one day of arrival. Yes, buy. To keep. Of course, they bought her to rescue her and ensconse her safely in a shelter for women victims of the slave trade.

According to the show, “There are more slaves now than at any other time in human history.”"

"a pimp, who forced her to work in his brothel to pay off the so-called “debt” incurred when he’d “bought” her."

"Back at the brothel, she had no choice but to keep working off her 20,000 rupee ($AU398, $304) debt, which never seemed to get any smaller."

"You Can Buy Women and Girls as Slaves for as Little as $25

Women and children are taken from Russia mostly for prostitution. Their number is estimated at 30,000- 60,000 a year [16]. According to the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, over the past two decades, over 500,000 women were sold from Russia to other countries[6]."

"THIS is the chilling dark web advert used by Brit model Chloe Ayling’s abductors to try and sell her as a sex slave for a “starting bid” of $300,000, according to an email sent following her kidnapping."

"Via a translator, the man says he has been in contact with a broker—a middleman used as a go-between from ISIS to grieving Yazidi families—who for a high fee will return his children after they were taken and sold as slaves among the jihadis just over a year ago in the ISIS blitz of northern Iraq."

"According to the United Nations, she was one of an estimated 2.4 million people around the globe who are victims of human trafficking at any one time, 80% of whom are being exploited as sexual slaves. One woman can earn a trafficker between £500 and £1,000 a week and can be forced to have sex with multiple partners in a single day."

"Some of these sex slaves are sold for more than $1,000 a day."

"Some sex slaves are kept in bondage specifically for sexual use, while in other cases sexual slavery accompanies other forms of slavery. Sex slaves are subjected to both sexual assault and rape by their captors, as well as other people. Like other forms of slavery, sexual slavery is illegal and it is considered a significant human rights violation."

"The milk al-yamin are the sex-slaves. You go to the market, look at the sex-slave, and buy her. She becomes like your wife, (but) she doesn’t need a (marriage) contract or a divorce like a free woman, nor does she need a wali. All scholars agree on this point—there is no disagreement from any of them. […] When I want a sex slave, I just go to the market and choose the woman I like and purchase her."

"Recently, an 18 year old SIS sex slave escapee revealed how she was sold in an international auction. Among the buyers were not only Iraqis and Syrians, but also "westerners", and the most desirable girls were sold to clients from Gulf nations. She even overheard one of her 'owners' in a conversation reveal how organised the sex trade is: "A man cannot purchase more than three women, unless he is from Syria, Turkey or a Gulf nation."

His partner responded: "A Saudi buyer has transport and food costs that a member of the Islamic State does not. He has a higher quota to make his purchases profitable.""

"Twenty-one-year-old Katia (see update on her story below) left home on what she believed would be a trip to buy goods in Turkey, but instead she was sold into sexual slavery for $1,000 by the man who agreed to take her there."

"After circulating for almost a year, the UN has finally confirmed the authenticity of the Islamic State Sex Price list being offered to their fighters and other men trying to purchase sex slaves as young as one for $165."

SHOCKING PHOTOS: Men Attempted to Buy Kidnapped Women to Serve as Sex Slaves

Islamic State opens sex slave market in Turkey’s capital

Modern-Day Slavery: The Public Markets Selling Young Girls for $14

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