The Time Has Come for God to Reveal the Messiah, Says Jerusalem’s Chief Rabbi...When the Messiah Arrives, These Are the Blessings you Need to Recite...Scientist Calculates: We Are Currently in Final Twilight Before Messiah

in #news2 months ago

"In a surprisingly under-reported story, one of Jerusalem’s chief rabbis, Rabbi Shlomo Amar issued a ruling on Monday that God must bring the messiah and expedite the ultimate redemption. The ruling was delivered during an all-night spiritual gathering of rabbis from the Chabad-Lubavitch movement and a recording of the moment was posted to YouTube (in Hebrew)."

"In Jewish thought, Moshiach (the Jewish messiah), is, in the words of Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff of Jerusalem, “a Torah scholar descended from Dovid HaMelech (King David) who will reestablish the halachic Jewish monarchy in Eretz Yisroel (Israel) and influence the entire Jewish people to observe halacha (Jewish law) meticulously to the finest detail.

“He will be wiser than his ancestor Shelomoh HaMelech (King Solomon), a prophet almost as great as Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses), will teach the entire people how to serve Hashem (God), and his advice will be sought by all the nations of the world.

“He will gather the Jews who are presently scattered to all ends of the world, expand Jewish territory more than ever before, and rebuild the Beis HaMikdash (the Temple in Jerusalem).

“After Moshiach establishes his dominion, there will be no more wars, famine, jealousy, or competition since the entire world will be filled with only one desire: to know Hashem and draw close to Him,” wrote Kaganoff in an essay called When Moshiach Comes."

"Kullok cited the Talmud (Tractate Avodah Zarah 9a) which states that the world will last for 6,000 years. This is broken down into three periods: for 2,000 years, the world stood empty, for 2,000 years the world existed “in Torah”, and the final 2,000 years will be the age when the Messiah may come, depending on mankind’s actions. At the end of the 6,000 years, the Messiah must come, even if mankind has not prepared itself.

The Hebrew calendar currently stands at 5780, meaning the age of the Messiah is set to end in 220 years, or 2240 CE."

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