GESARA LAW: OITC Worldwide Military Takeover & New World King Donald J. Trump?

in #news3 years ago

"OITC as suggested before, IS GESARA"

"The plans for NESARA originally and then GESARA, to use the acronyms, were outlines of financial restructuring that is more in keeping with the intent of the founders of the OITC funds."

"The Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) is Urantia’s key organization in relation to global wealth and finance and the current 3D global economy. Here is a statement from a Senior Officer of the OITC about the OITC’s origins, organisation and functions. Accordingly this information is straight from “the horse’s mouth”. Full background information on the OITC and its activities is available at its website, see:

As I understand it, CM and the Celestials have repeatedly told us that the so-called “Program Pay Outs” and GESARA or other similar "pay outs" will not be made prior to the occurrence of complete US and other global government changes and stasis"

"Military forced all leaders Worldwide previously behind closed doors to sign GESARA LAW. (POTUS calling out Border Wall Meters was actually countries being signed off on GESARA). It was then taken to the HAGUE International Court Of Justice in the Netherlands to be signed off."

"All Kings, Queens, Royals, Govts, Judges, Police & Lawyers MUST STANDOWN WORLDWIDE. The Corrupt ones Arrested by Military."

"It should be noted that only a few persons in each country of the world are eligible to be able to verify, or undertake a verification, re: the position of Dr. Ray C. Dam (International Treasury Controller) and the Office of International Treasury Control. Such persons are limited to Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, with Ministers of Finance and Ministers of Foreign Affairs subject to security status and special conditions / dispensation.
For anyone, other than those persons referred to above, to attempt to undertake verification would be futile and would result in deliberate misinformation on same, or no response at all. Additionally, “Classified” information is not available, and never will be, on or through the “www” or various Web Sites which are totally unregulated, uncontrolled, and legally void, whereby reference to such Web Sites will only reveal speculations, innuendoes, comments from the uninformed, deliberate propaganda and misinformation, or similar. YOU ARE THEREFORE ADVISED NOT TO UTILISE THE “WWW” OR VARIOUS WEB SITES FOR ANY FORM OF VERIFICATION AS IT IS NOT OFFICIAL, NOR IS IT A PROFESSIONAL METHOD OF VERIFICATION, NOR WILL IT GIVE YOU ANY CORRECT OR ACCURATE INFORMATION."

"The removal/arrest of the nine Supreme Court Justices will trigger the Event."

"Now we go to 1776 Common Law worldwide, where all Judges, Lawyers & Police worldwide must stand down and learn 1776 Common Law. The corrupt ones would be arrested by the Military.
When The Event goes down President Trump will be sending out 7 Presidential Msgs to everyone’s phones worldwide. 7 P’s AKA 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms."

"The common law—so named because it was "common" to all the king's courts across England—originated in the practices of the courts of the English kings in the centuries following the Norman Conquest in 1066."

"All the people such as the governors, the prime ministers, and government officials worldwide will no longer have a job! They were all employed under the old system – the Law of the Sea, Maritime Law… but once Common Law comes back they are no longer employed.
The System Drained

That system represents part of the swamp that President Trump vowed to drain… and drain it he has… along with Hollywood (closed down), the Vatican (closed down), Buckingham Palace (boarded up)… and all evil governments, around the world. This includes countless CEO’s, and all those in positions that run our individual countries.
Capitulation and Arrests

We have to realise and understand… all governments around the world have capitulated (surrended to) President Trump."

"The Vatican Raids that started in Mid 2019 was a pre cursor to Operation Defender Europe March 17 2020. Where 50k troops descended on rome & a shootout began with Vatican Mafia’s"

"Trump and the Q military intelligence alliance backing him have already seized the gold and assets of the Old World Order, which took place while Italy was in lockdown during the COVID-19 psyop."

"President Trump is not just marked as the executor of the U.S. Treasury of the Fed within the United States, he is the exchequer for every single country on earth. No human in history has every held such a position."

"A worldwide Blackout was part of the US Space Force Trump Card. It should be a quick change over to Tesla Free Energy to provide power for the Emergency Broadcast System.
The Blackout would be followed by Ten Days of Disclosure: 3 x 8hr Movies running 24/7 for 10 days in many languages."

"Special troops and units would either take control of these propaganda stations and start preaching the truth or they would take control of the airwaves and start transmitting their own propaganda."

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