GESARA is considered by the U.S. government a fraudulent organization?

in #news2 years ago

"Gesara is an acronym for Global Economic Security And Reformation Act and has been written and refined by great minds of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in order to reset planet earth and humanity on a sustainable governance foundation."

"OITC as suggested before, IS GESARA"

"The plans for NESARA originally and then GESARA, to use the acronyms, were outlines of financial restructuring that is more in keeping with the intent of the founders of the OITC funds."

"Registered in the United Nations under Registration Number 0104556139235, they operate as the 5th Level Clearance part of the global financial management control system under their Charter, which is known as charter Control Number 10-60847. The financial system is two-tiered, one tier is off ledger funds that represent collateral, and the other tier is on ledger funds that represent available money, often referred to as back screen and front screen. When money moves from the back screen to the front screen, the movement must be authorized by OITC."

"The Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) is Urantia’s key organization in relation to global wealth and finance and the current 3D global economy."

"It should be noted that only a few persons in each country of the world are eligible to be able to verify, or undertake a verification, re: the position of Dr. Ray C. Dam (International Treasury Controller) and the Office of International Treasury Control. Such persons are limited to Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, with Ministers of Finance and Ministers of Foreign Affairs subject to security status and special conditions / dispensation.
For anyone, other than those persons referred to above, to attempt to undertake verification would be futile and would result in deliberate misinformation on same, or no response at all. Additionally, “Classified” information is not available, and never will be, on or through the “www” or various Web Sites which are totally unregulated, uncontrolled, and legally void, whereby reference to such Web Sites will only reveal speculations, innuendoes, comments from the uninformed, deliberate propaganda and misinformation, or similar. YOU ARE THEREFORE ADVISED NOT TO UTILISE THE “WWW” OR VARIOUS WEB SITES FOR ANY FORM OF VERIFICATION AS IT IS NOT OFFICIAL, NOR IS IT A PROFESSIONAL METHOD OF VERIFICATION, NOR WILL IT GIVE YOU ANY CORRECT OR ACCURATE INFORMATION."

"The 69-year-old took the stand in his own defense, claiming he was given authority to make the financial documents from the Office of International Treasury Control in order to help relieve debts from mortgage foreclosures. The office Shrout cited, though, is considered by the U.S. government a fraudulent organization that claims ties to the United Nations and the Federal Reserve."

"Adherents to the belief if NESARA and GESARA claim it is a secret piece of legislation somehow enacted into law and ready to “spring into action” at some point in the future."

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