Syraq SITREP 40: From Salisbury to Syria

in #news6 years ago

By James The Russian Analyst

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In the past week, the alleged novichok nerve agent poisoning of British intelligence asset and formerly imprisoned GRU agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury has sucked all of the oxygen out of other Russia-related stories. Even the effort to keep the RussiaGate story alive here in the U.S. via claims of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians has failed as an addendum to the bellicose headlines from the United Kingdom. This is occurring despite or because of Attorney General Jeff Sessions firing the corrupt FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe over his lies about leaking to the media and stifling of the investigations into Hillary Clinton.

Another problem the neocons and 'the cabal' have on their hands, is keeping the war drums at a sufficient pitch without going overboard or alternatively, being accused of laughable half measures in light of the enormous threat they're hyping. The expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats, some of them undoubtedly intelligence officers working in under diplomatic cover Great Britain, followed by Russia's tit for tat PNG'ing of 23 Brits from their country hardly seems sufficient retaliation by PM Theresa May's government for 'the first offensive use of nerve agent in Europe since WWII' and an act of chemical 'terrorism' supposedly ordered by President Vladimir Putin himself (if we believe the buffoonish British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson). It seems if May and her cabinet really believed the evidence they're presenting to the British people and the world, the Royal Navy ought to be sailing for the Bosporus Black Sea entrance and a second Crimean War, or at least the once mighty British Army ought to be reinforcing their aging Challenger tanks a stone's throw from Russian borders in the Baltics. At the very least, the spectacle of denouncing a country whose oligarchs both Kremlin connected and anti-Putin have lavished so much cash on London-grad without the British doing much of anything to stanch the licit and illicit money flows would be amusing for the hypocrisy if it weren't so serious.

Was the Novichok Poisoning of Sergey Skripal a Dirty Deep State Back Up Plan After Chemical False Flags Planned for Ghouta to Justify U.S. Strikes on Damascus Failed to Go Off?

As many in the new and alternative media rightly suspect, the driver of allegations Her Majesty's Government demands be taken seriously but refuses to offer compelling evidence for (including the presumably near death medical condition of a Russian citizen and resident of Moscow, Yulia Skripal) seems to be found far beyond Old Blighty. The desire to accuse Putin of something shortly before he easily wins what's expected to be a fourth and final term in office Sunday, or of somehow getting FIFA to cancel the World Cup to be hosted this summer in the Russian Federation -- both seem insufficient motives to explain the present hysterics. Something bigger and much more important to 'the cabal' seems to have been in the works that the Russians, and standing behind them the Chinese, are blocking.

Unless a planned economic shock to the rotten, tottering Western fiat currencies-led financial order is imminent, as London Paul suggested during his appearances on RogueMoney this week, the Russian Analyst's conclusion is that the Salisbury event (or non-event false flag blamed on Russia) is mostly about Syria. Namely, that the Salisbury event may have been a hastily arranged 'back up plan' after major chemical false flag attacks planned to justify direct U.S. bombing of Syrian government forces and their embedded Russian advisers failed.

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Now it's start @roguemoney ♩ •♬

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