Fear of Strategic Breakout Fuels Drive For Trump Impeachment

in #news7 years ago

Posted by Harley Schlanger


With the conclusion of the world historic Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) conference in Beijing, it is fair to report that the event consolidated nothing less than a new strategic realignment in world affairs. There is now a bold dynamic coming out of Beijing, with Eurasia at the center, with an approach to economic development based on expanding mutually beneficial projects which circle the globe, many of which are already underway, and bringing tangible results to the participants.

Helga Zepp LaRouche, one of the intellectual architects of the emerging World Land-Bridge, who attended the conference in Beijing, described this process as “the beginning of a new era of history, representing a total break with the old geopolitics of the British Empire, which pitted West against East, and North against South.” She reported on the enthusiasm of the participants, and the optimism they exuded. This project “will grow,” she said, “and it will not go away,” despite the efforts of its opponents to downplay its significance or sabotage it. These opponents, she added, are coordinating their assault on the BRI on behalf of London-based financial and intelligence institutions, and they are “up to their old tricks,” as can be seen in their attacks on the Trump administration.

In numerous public statements, including in many interviews in China, Mrs. LaRouche has emphasized the importance of American involvement in the BRI, saying that if President Trump brings the U.S. into the new paradigm defined by the Silk Road, he could become one of America’s greatest Presidents. An American delegation was deployed by Trump to Beijing, headed by Matthew Pottinger, the senior director for Asia on the National Security Council. Pottinger established an “American Belt and Road Working Group,” to encourage U.S. firms to participate in the Silk Road process. He also invited China to attend the SelectUSA Investment Summit in Washington, D.C. on June 18-20, to bring Chinese participants into direct investment opportunities in the U.S.

Escalation Against Trump

One would think that these first steps toward U.S. engagement in the BRI process, combined with the growing collaboration between the Trump administration and Russia, would be a cause for celebration. Instead of increasing tension, blustering threats, senseless sanctions, and deployments of military forces to the South China Sea and the western borders of Russia, which heightened the war danger under the direction of Obama and endorsed by Hillary Clinton, Trump is making a determined effort to break from this dangerous geopolitical geometry and shift relations toward dialogue based on mutual interests.

Yet, it is precisely this shift toward cooperation with the new strategic paradigm which is behind the now furious efforts to paralyze the Trump Presidency or even to remove Trump from office. This assault on the U.S. Presidency originates and is being driven by the same upper echelons of the British establishment which also were deployed against President Clinton during his second term and which had previously initiated the legal and other actions against Lyndon LaRouche in the 1980s. What is being played out now is not an “internal” U.S. political scandal, but a strategic global battle in the context of the earthshaking developments emanating from the Belt-and-Road initiative.

Inside the United States, an array of British stooges, which include a cabal of neocons, Clinton Democrats and the intelligence community – the so-called Deep State – with full backing from the mainstream media, are now whipping up an entirely fraudulent media-generated demand to remove Trump from office. When their initial charge that Putin was responsible for Trump’s election through “meddling” and “hacking” collapsed, for lack of evidence, they responded by creating new provocations to escalate the assault. The latest “causes” for impeachment are the charge that Trump’s firing of FBI Director Comey was to prevent Comey from finding evidence of “collusion” between Trump and Putin in rigging the election, after Trump failed to get Comey to back off the investigation of Michael Flynn; and the claim that Trump released classified intelligence to the Russians, during his Oval Office meeting with Foreign Minister Lavrov, and outgoing Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak.

Read more ------------------------> http://www.roguemoney.net/2017/05/25/fear-of-strategic-breakout-fuels-drive-for-trump-impeachment/


and now they are going after Jared Kushner. this is an outrage and a disgrace, when will this end.

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