Did Mandalay Bay Attack Itself?

in #news7 years ago

By Bankster Slayer


Another month, another act of terror by a white male country-music-fan millionaire with both Jihadi and Neo-Nazi leanings but no attack-rifle training to speak of. Is the Las Vegas shooting incident at Mandalay Bay making any sense to you? I didn't think so. Perhaps we should look at the background before diving into the foreground. You know that this is cardinal rule #1 of investigative research: Follow the money! An open blog is posted here of this extremely fluid, ongoing story.

“Jim Murren is donating MGM shareholder money to CAIR. They were named by the Justice Dept. as ‘an unindicted co-conspirator to Muslim terrorism....’ CAIR was created to support the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas. ”
— Wayne Allyn Root, August 29, 2017, Townhall.com
How many times have we said it? Repeat after me: Follow The Money! While the Sheeple and the MSM are "mystified" by the apparent lack of motive of Las Vegas Shooting patsy Stephen Paddock, neither the enlightened readers of Rogue Money nor anybody else who can do 15 minutes' worth of internet research, need feel so handicapped.


Casinos Are a Perfect Source of Terror Financing

Let's start with the parent company of Mandalay Bay. This is a casino property that sits within the portfolio of MGM Resorts International. The current CEO of the parent company is Jim Murren. He is a deflated Hillary Clinton supporter. Less than two months ago, with an announcement apparently fueled by the the post-Charlottesville racist hysteria, Murren sent a letter to his employees and announced a company donation-match program to funnel money to so-called "anti-hate" groups. By "anti-hate" groups, we of course mean Soros-backed groups, various terror-related groups, and miscellaneous non-profits.


As reported by Casino.org back on August 21, 2017 [linked here]:

MGM Resorts CEO Jim Murren condemned “hate mongers and white supremacists” in a letter to his more than 77,000 worldwide employees last Friday, and encouraged them to donate to anti-hate groups by explaining contributions would be matched.
Murren finished his letter by telling his workers that if they donate to one of seven organizations MGM deemed to be working towards the anti-hate cause, the corporation would match it.
Those nonprofits include the Southern Poverty Law Center, National Association of the Advancement of Colored People, Anti-Defamation League, Human Rights Campaign, Council on American Islamic Relations, OCA National-Asian Pacific American Advocates, and League of United Latin American Citizens.
Controversial conservative radio host and blogger, Wayne Allyn Root, posted an article on August 29th to bring these facts to the public's attention regarding one of those seven groups, the Council on American Islamic Relations, better known as CAIR [linked here]:

No CEO has a right to involve his company in controversial politics, let alone the funding of extreme and radical organizations. But Jim Murren wins the award for "Reckless CEO of the Century." Murren has just put MGM in bed with an organization with ties to Islamic terrorism.
Murren announced in response to what he sees as the racism, bigotry, intolerance and violence seen at the Charlottesville disturbance, that MGM will donate company money (and match employee contributions) to a collection of extreme leftist civil rights, human rights, and Muslim advocacy groups. A strange and partisan decision to make with company funds and shareholder money.
Instead Murren announced MGM company (and therefore) donations to extreme leftist groups, some backed by controversial radical Marxist George Soros.
It gets much worse. Jim Murren is donating MGM shareholder money to CAIR. They were named by the Justice Dept. as “an unindicted co-conspirator to Muslim terrorism.” The FBI produced charts showing CAIR was created to support the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas.

businessinsider-AP-two-windows (1).jpg

Already we can see a picture emerging that places the dreadful Vegas Shooting incident within the context of what I have elsewhere described as "the summer of our discontent." Then along came the posted prediction of a well-planned "high incident project" to be unleashed upon a Las Vegas venue sometime on, or around, September 11, 2017.

Anonymous 4Chan User Predicts Vegas Shooting Event

Many thanks to Squawker.org [linked here] for remembering the anonymous post by a 4chan user back on September 11th. He warned residents of Las Vegas and Henderson to "stay inside tomorrow." He (or she) further went on to say:

"It's called the 'high incident project'. They want to make the American public think that places with extremely high security aren't safe.... You will see laws proposed within the next few years to put up more metal detectors and other security devices.... I can’t guarantee anything will happen tomorrow but Las Vegas is on their minds."
Squawker goes on to comment:

He states this “project” will be done with an endgame goal of passing new laws in Nevada regarding casino security. Making pricey new security screening machines mandatory for all guests. With even further more ambitious plans to follow suit in our schools and other public buildings if the public goes along with the casino machines easily enough.
He also specifically names former head of the Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff and Casino owner and billionaire Sheldon Adelson as the two men set to profit most off the wave of new regulations set to spring up in response to the Vegas incident. It’s not all that unreasonable even to believe that Mr. Chertoff might seek to profit from a new security panic in the wake of Vegas. Given that the man has already been accused of abusing the public trust by raising security fears among average American’s in an attempt to sell his companies body scanners before, all the way back in 2010.
So it sounds like somebody in the Deep State is about to see a profit windfall. Well, never let a good (manufactured) crisis go to waste. Furthermore, in his own diabolical way, even George Soros warned what was coming.

George Soros Warned Against Conspiracy Theory

In a follow-up blog posted today, Squawker noted that George Soros was whining about anti-Soros hate and us tin-foil-hat nut jobs only one day before the Vegas incident. Squawker also noticed that the stock price for OSI Systems Inc. (whose ticker symbol is ironically coded as OSIS) is now at an all-time high for the year.

Read more ----------------------------> https://www.roguemoney.net/blog/2017/10/3/did-mandalay-bay-attack-itself


good post

Interesting how HRC disambiguates into a scary freak who wrote a book asking what just happened to her; and also, to "Human Rights Campaign".

Reminds me of "BLM", which we initially learned was "Bureau of Land Management" and then Soros created "Black Lives Matter" to take search hits away from the Bundy's plight...

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