
If government find out that you using TOR it's a big, big fine.

Maybe by your government,
but here in the US, I've never heard anything about using a TOR browser being illegal.

I tried it once back when Pillar Tokens came out, I was trying to buy in during the PreSale which sold out in under 40 minutes, and it was suggested we needed to use the TOR browser because it uses a proxy server.

This is for sites from overseas where they are blocking the US people from accessing, it makes it so they don't know what country you are from, because of the proxy, and then you could buy the token.

My experience is the browser is GARBAGE. but mainly because it didn't help me buy the tokens, it wasted precious minutes and in the end I bought my tokens directly from my ether wallet, no TOR actually needed.

It was just a Suggestion,
personally I don't care what the Fed says I can use to browse the web with...

F-Them, I am a god damn disabled iraq veteran - a decorated metal recipient. And I don't give two rat shits what the corrupt fed says about anything. I am poor & disabled because our government is war mongering a piece of shit, otherwise we'd have real prosperity shared by all in our country which we do not.

PS, the Fed is going to let the economic crash happen in Sept/Oct time frame, so like i said, F-them - they don't care about you. In fact, you wouldn't like the plan they have for you if this collapse happens and people riot, you are nothing more than cannon fodder to them.


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