The Velvet Revolution of Armenia: Did the People really won?

in #news6 years ago


Armenia is a landlocked country in the Caucasus. After the Dissolution of the Soviet Union, The Republic of Armenia was declared and since then everything changed.

For 27 years, people lived in absolute poverty because of the corrupted Government that we had. Everything in the country was owned by 2 or 3 families who controlled the economy.

You can't imagine how the country is and I've never seen such poverty until I moved there and felt the taste of it! Old Women in their 70s and even 80s who should be at home relaxing and taking care of themselves are working at midnight and cleaning the streets during both summer and winter! Not to forget that the weather in Armenia in winter could reach -20 degrees Celsius. (-4 F)

While the rent of a normal house is on average 250 US Dollars, the daily wage of the majority of the workers is 200 US Dollars! And guess what? They work 12 hours a day and even during weekends! Everyone in the country is under debt because they can't afford to get anything!

At least school is free. BUT! You don't learn anything! I've been going to school for exactly 3 years and did not learn anything from there! What's worse is that they put your grades randomly. If you're the son or the daughter of someone rich you'll definitely get rich. But if you're someone normal or pool, then no luck for you!

Nikol Pashinyan: Who is he?

Nikol Pashinyan is a former Journalist, Member of the Parliament and the current Prime Minister of Armenia after overthrowing the old and corrupted Government.

Mr Pashinyan has been fighting for years, and years to make a change. They put him in jail several times, and he never stopped fighting! He led the Velvet Revolution in Armenia and more than 500.000 Armenians joined him to overthrow Serzh Sargsyan's Government.

The people used to start the protests at 8:00 AM and leave at midnight to gain more power. They have done sit-ins, boycott of businesses owned by the Oligarchs and even school protests!

The velvet revolution of Armenia is now known worldwide because it was the first revolution that had no casualties! For real!

In the end, Serzh Sargsyan resigned and Nikol was elected as Prime Minister after long battles! NB: I've watched every single minute of the Revolution so if you have any question I will be able to answer!

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