The ball that Putin donated to Trump could have a "spy chip" ?! (Video)

in #news6 years ago

If criticisms of political background were not enough, the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in Helsinki opened another hot topic of debate.

Putin donated his American counterpart to a Telstar 18 football championship.

Initially Bloomberg and CNN raised controversy over the possibility of the existence of espionage forms within the soccer ball and then US Senator Lindsey Graham raised concerns over Twitter that the ball could be equipped with an "illegal hearing device" to record conversations White House.

"If it were me, I would check the ball for the tapping device and never let it go to the White House," Graham wrote.

Senator Graham's great skepticism was justified - in part. This ball actually contains an invisible transmitter chip on its logo. However, this chip is actually a technology Adidas used to distribute sporting information about the ball, product information, and the World Cup.

Through a press release, the US secret service states: "Every gift given to the president is subject to a security check. The secret service does not comment either specifically or generally about the content or method chosen for our storage responsibilities. "

The White House, meanwhile, has not reacted at all to the ball issue, follows GSH. On the other hand, it is unclear whether the ball that Putin donated to Trump contained the chip or not, but even if kept, it certainly does not mean it could be a security risk.

According to the official Adidas site, technology communicates through smartphones or tablets that have a connection to a much-used way of communication, called Near Field Communication (NFC).

The company describes this as a way of communicating that the two devices share information at the moment of physical contact with each other.

Skot Shober, a cyber security expert, stressed in an interview that any gift to the president goes through strict security controls to avoid using them for any possible espionage.

"This new technology on every smartphone is already a method used to make payments through stores. It works by approaching the phone with another device, a few inches. So I can say that if anyone could have had any malicious intent on this, I can confirm that he has chosen the wrong technology, "the expert said.

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