Yellow Vests vs. Police Violence

in #news6 years ago


After a break of 10 days due to a trip to Malaysia, I am back to talk about the French Yellow Vests movement. Since my last post was Act 10 and 11 in many towns and places of France. The French government keeps using violence against the Yellow Vests. The mainstream media also are keeping doing the dirty work of government propaganda but some of the mainstream media seem to slowly open the way for the Yellow Vests to get the right to express their voices and for the first time since the beginning, they start to talk about the police abuse of violence. The number of Yellow Vests is keeping growing and the talk about the police forces have changed a lot from "Police join us!" to "Fuck them all" as so many people have lost their live or lost an eye, a hand or the use of their legs because of the use of LBD 40mm and 44mm also called Flashball using 40 and 44mm rubber bullets and/or 40 -44 mm small kinds of grenade with not less than 25 grams of TNT. France is the only country to use this kind of weapons even it is forbidden by EU laws.

Last Saturday during Act 11 one of the spokesperson from the Yellow Vests have been targeted by police when he was talking with people and shot in the face with a Flashball resulting on a loss of an eye. Also, during the last two Acts a big group of Antifas, probably sent by the government has tried to join the Yellow Vests march and break as much as possible shops and cars to discredit the image of Yellow Vests. But they get kicked out of the protest as everyone in France knows that Antifas are the stupid soldiers of the system. Nothing has changed on the Yellow Vests side no talk with the politician, the only way out is to give back to the people the right to vote on every decisions and law.

The day after the Act 11 a new kind of protester has been seen in Paris called the red scarf a bunch of stupid Parisian leftist that are against the Yellow Vests and claiming to defend the democracy and the president. It will not surprise me to learn that the government is behind the organization of the so-called "Red Scarf" and why not in the future let the two sides fight each other in the streets. This government has shown so many conspiracies since the beginning of the protest of Yellow Vests that nothing can surprise me anymore. In some mainstream media, the term of war is now used to call the battle Yellow Vests vs. Government. But the story continues ....

Video of Act 10 from Youtube channel Line Press

Video of Act 11 and shot on the Yellow Vests spokesman at 39:35 from Youtube channel Line Press

Video of police violence from YT channel Hyper Crazy 9

Video of the crazy "Red Scarf" from YT channel NOUS VOULONS VIVRE !


This is no good! They are setting up people to kill each other! M should resign soon!

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These "red scarf" are just a bunch of stupid leftist feed by mainstream media, they keep calling Yellow Vests "Nazi" it is just brainless people who believe the cabal lies. They will not stand a round if they have to face Yellow Vests. It is a move from government to call his followers (they are rare today)

The latest news is not good, the organizer of the yellow vest got shot in his eye!

It’s getting to the point of no return!

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The Yellow Vests organizer get shot in the eye like many other, a police union has told that the government asks them to shout in the face. It is been more than 20 years I was waiting for French people to react to the situation, maybe they have more patience than me. The point of no return is long gone we enter week 12 and I am surprised to see French people to get educated on politic that fast.

Hmm that's a good news to provide in this platform and I gain knowledge about politics.. keep it up..

Glad to know that you've learned something :)

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