French Dictatorship

in #news6 years ago

french dictat.png

Since the beginning of the Yellow Vests protest in France, the new French government has shown a very tough way to repress the French citizen who is not happy with the work done by the government. In France, the right to protest is protected by the constitution, but the new government of E. Macron seems to not really care what the constitution is about or the human right. This government is one of the worst one when it comes to denouncing the so-called authoritarian countries like Russia, Syria but it is using technics that can be seen in countries like North Korea or Myanmar.

Yesterday, they have made a new law against the so-called violent Yellow Vests. From now on, every Yellow Vests or protester that the police is suspected to be a potential threat to the security will be arrested and added to a new list that forbidden the protester to attend a protest for 5 years with 6 month of jail term and/or 7500 Euros fine for those who despite having their name on the list attend to a protest. What is crazy about the law is the government give to the police the right to say who can attend a protest and who cannot. Six hours before the protest and until it ended the police will have the right to search every person on the way to the protest and decide if they can attend it or not and add their name to the list. Also, during the protest, the people on the list will be invited to come to a police station to be sure they do not try to go protest.

As it is obvious for nearly three months now the French government is no more a so-called democratic government but instead an authoritarian government. What is obvious also is that E. Macron cannot say "no" to the European Parliament and many of the big lines of Macron politic is just dictated by EU, lobbies, and banks. French people have already voted against the EU in a referendum in 2005, but President Sarkozy has said because the people have voted the wrong answer he has decided to go for EU. What has surprised me back in 2005 is after Sarkozy decision no one has protested and now it is much harder to get out of all the EU dictatorship.

Here a few videos from the Act 11 in a different town of France
Town of Toulouse from YT channel Street Politics

Town of Lyon from YT channel Marc SANGHA

Town of Nantes from YT channel Street Politics

Town of Bordeaux from YT channel Ludo Lu


This is bad for the protesters! They need to have offensive plan! New allies!
International support!

They haven’t got the important levelage! No strategy, just tactics!
They need expert advice on certain fields! Must set time line and goals!

This is like sitting duck! What would Gandhi do in this situation?!

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France is falling into a dictatorship country, it was already a police state. ATM in France has started to have glitches because they don't want Yellow Vests to withdraw money. Minister of the interior has started to distribute lethal weapon such as machine gun but for now, the police forces leave it in the trucks. Many leftist are now coming into the crowds and they try to devise people. Organizers are very low educated on politics and not really representative. Let see where it go, but to my belief, this may be bigger during spring, due to weather.

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