About Notre Dame Pt.1

in #news5 years ago

about Notre Dame p1.png

Today, I would like to talk about the fire that has burned down the roof and the arrow of Notre Dame de Paris about a month ago. At first, when it has happened, the entire French population was very suspicious about the reason that has caused the fire to start. Today, a month later the huge majority of the French people are sure that the fire was the cause of a dark plan. Many people look at the battle that is going on at the moment in France as a fight against the government for the cost of living but there is much more than that behind the scene and the fight isn't only for taxes but about a lobby that has put his hands over the power pushing our elites to create a hate at everything that is representing our heritage, our history and at first our religion. So it is right to say that it is a battle for the faith that French people are doing, not all of them have enough political understanding to know what is really going on, especially with decades of brainwashing of so-called human rights that are made to benefit only a little part of the population. I am born in a Christian family and even I am not Christian I still proud of our heritage, history, and religion and as most of the French people I don't want to see this very rich heritage been destroyed for the rise of a stupid ideology that has no root at all.

About Notre Dame fire, during the fire the President, who was supposed to make a TV speech about the "non" changes he will do has canceled the TV speech to come at the Notre Dame site and talk to the journalists, he was with the minister of the interior. The President has made a little speech with a little smile on his mouth and after the minister of the interior as said that it was due to an accident. But how can he say that was an accident when the fire was still active and fireman cannot come too close to the cathedral, and no investigation has been started. The next day on the TV was an interview with the architect that was in charge of Notre Dame for more than 13 years. He starts to say that this kind of fire on the roof of Notre Dame was really impossible, reminding that the fire has destroyed the entire roof in little more than an hour with two fire nest at opposing locations. He told that he was in charge of the fire system of the roof and it is impossible that the system has not caught up with smoke telling that the system was one of the best available in the world. He has added that the under roof is called "the forest" because it was made of oak wood that is old at least a 1000 years and oak wood is one of the hardest wood to catch up with fire, especially after a 1000 years the wood is so hard and nearly petrified, so it is impossible that the wood caught up with fire that fast, it must have taken days to achieve. But the roofed "forest" has burned like matches. He has added that in order to get this kind of fire on this wood something has to be added.

Later, the military experts have also added their conclusions saying that the yellow smoke that has been seen on the top of the fire wasn't a normal color for the smoke of wood and is likely to be the result of termite and additive used to burn whatever hard to burn even metal. The French army uses the termite to burn the engine of illegal gold diggers in French Guyana. It is clear that in the middle of the old oak wood it is not a few electric sparkles (official version) that can lead to such a big and fast fire but with the help of a calorific charge on both sides of the roof things are much more probable.

After the architect has spoken on TV the French government has issued an order to all the person in charge of Notre Dame to not speak to the media. E. Macron has said during the fire that he wants it to be rebuilt in 5 years (just in time for the Olympic games). And now the President has announced a contest for the design of the new roof of Notre Dame to make it a lay place (on a sacred ground). Really the French and European elites have no respect for our heritage and want to build a shitty civilization where the only god is the market.

In the past year, we have seen 11 of our church burned and 1065 act of vandalism on Christian sacred ground. Just to make a comparison when a synagogue or a Freemason Temple is sprayed with paint it is a national catastrophe and the government will add some new laws to shut down our freedom of speech (but Jews are less than 1%) but for all the church and Christian cemetery vandalized nothing is said. Also, to add to the problem many tweets from Israel and from some Jews Zionist in France and other country have mocked the fire at Notre Dame saying that we Christian have been punished by God for Saint Louis of France have burned the "Talmud" in front of Notre Dame in the 12th century. For those who don't know what is the Talmud search and read the uncensored version on the internet and you will be shocked. A French Zionist girl as tweeted that all Christian must be killed by gas. But we are the one that is bad and get punished if we open our mouth to denounce the hatred of these people.

This topic is quite long as many things happen about Notre Dame, I will make a Part 2 tomorrow....



Sorry about what happened to Dame cathedral,whether it is a dark plan or an accident which i believe it is the most.what makes me angry is our King who donated Millions of Euros to rebuild the cathedral where his people still suffer from a lot of problem and deserve to benefit from that kind of money. Don' forget IRAQ Palestine and Syria lost all their heritage and monuments and still, but no body talk about it.

The accident is very unlikely, i will post more about it. Sure the King of Morocco must have kept the money for his people, I agree. If you look at the protest in France and the interview of the people, you will see them with some Palestinian flag sometime and always condemning the war in Irak and Syria, majority of French people are not following the government and his Zionist relations that made him go to war.

Very deep dark secrets behind the fire! Sacrifice ritual again!

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There is so much going on in the back and it lasted for 2000 years, the sad thing is that most of the people just see what is happening in the streets, it is the result of decades of propaganda and disinformation. Sad!

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