In Defense of Donald Trump

in #news7 years ago (edited)

In a nutshell, this was the headline on CNBC:

"President Trump is ending DACA, the Obama-era program that protects hundreds of thousands of "dreamers."

I suppose they are called "dreamers" because they all dream of being good American citizens some day. And why not? YOUR parents or great grand parents also came to the United States from some other country, didn't they? And there have ALWAYS been Mexicans in California and Arizona and New Mexico and Texas. So... what makes you think these children will not grow up to be good American citizens too?

How many Mexicans have served in the U.S. Army, in World War II and since World War II ?

I live in Mexico. Surely, I am not in favor of kicking out 800,000 children from the United States, and I am not a fan of Donald Trump. But I have to defend Donald Trump's decision because I KNOW IT IS GOING TO HAVE A HAPPY ENDING !

What did he do? He passed the buck to the U.S. Congress. Now the U.S. Congress is going to have to come up with a bill or a law "pardoning" these children. It has happened before. And it will happen again. You can't block the sun with your hands.

For days, all that I hear on Mexican radio or TV is how AWFUL bad old Donald Trump is, because he wants to kick out these poor 800,000 Mexican children.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Cool it. NOTHING BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

Donald Trump, who is not my favorite President of all times, is NOT going to kick out 800,000 children. HE doesn't want to kick them out. He has said so, himself. "We love the dreamers," Trump said. He's not going to kick them out.

All he did is pass the buck to the U.S. Congress, who now has 6 months to come up with legislation which will give these 800,000 children legal status in the United States.

And if Congress doesn't pass some legislation from here to six months, then I know what he is going to do. He is going to EXTEND THE DEADLINE another 6 months, and then another six months. He tweeted this "Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

What does that mean? That means that he will extend it again, but he won't say so, at this time.

This is too hot a potatoe even for Donald Trump. He can't REALLY kick out 800,000 "illegal" Mexican children. Can you imagine the field day that Donald Trump haters would have with television and radio broadcast their final Good-bye to the United States... I would be there selling Kleenex... Children crying... Even the police that would be there to force them onto the airplanes, or to force them to cross the bridge, would be crying. Buy Kleenex stock.

I know Americans well enough to know that they will NEVER be CRUEL TO... CHILDREN !!! Are you kidding me? Never. It just ain't gonna happen.

So... I AM SURE this story is going to have A HAPPY ENDING, and so I won't finish it yet.

I will write the ending six months from now, or when those 800,000 children will at last relax, because they are all going to be legal at the end of this story.

Stay tuned for part 2 (or 3, or 4...)

In the meantime... LISTEN TO "A HAPPY ENDING" from a movie I love: from "The Pirate Movie!


Great post. Problem is it's hard showing people this truly nuanced reality we live in. This is why everything is painted in black and white because too much grey area gives people too much anxiety and they get confused which is normal but people don't want to experience that which I think is sad.

Very good logic. He doesn't really have the power that a lot of people are afraid of. Anyone that knows how the American political system of government works, realizes that. I know a lot of families both legal and not legal. Nobody will be shipping out the kids. Thanks for posting this insight.

Donald Trump has a big mouth. I think that when he first got started, he thought that the President can dictate what he wants to Congress, and that they obey meekly. He started off by saying he is going to build a wall... and that Mexico is going to pay for it... Then he banned visitors to the U.S. from 7 islamic countries... And he said he was going to end the North American Free Trade Agreement. He has found out that he can't just dictate what he wants, and it happens. He doesn't have the power to end the N.A.F.T.A. but he bluffs to say that he will end it. Fortunately, he can't do all that he wishes he could do.

But I think the first really good thing that he has done is to send DACA to Congress. I am 100% certain that it is going to end up in amnesty for those kids, and for their parents too. And I also think that is a very good thing for the United States.

good read! its nice to see the a different side to all the negativity that is behind this. i wish every one was as positive as you are on the situation.

I have a way of seeing things, and I am almost always right. I am sure I am right about this. Watch out for the happy ending.

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