Mothers Are Dangerous!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Not Defending Life, Liberty, and Property Is An Act Of Violence.

Armed Mother Shoots Theif With Gun At Her Daughter's School

A mother, Katia del Silva Sastre, 42 years old and a military police officer in Brazil shot a man who was involved in a string of robberies involving young school children as they walked to school. The armed Mother was taking her seven-year-old daughter to school, and the confrontation happened in front of the child's school in the neighborhood of Jardim dos Ipes, which has a high crime rate.

Katia fired three times at the thief Elivelton Neves Moreira, 21 years old who also carried a firearm, a .38 caliber revolver. Katia was well trained and wasn't frightened when the thief was able to shot at her as she fired back. The thief fell to the ground, Katia walked over, kicked the gun away and turned the thief face down, as he screamed and contorted in pain. The ambulance was called immediately as a sting was involved in catching the people involved in robbing the children. I haven't found the data to prove Katia was involved in the sting or she was an armed bystander.

The young thief died later in the hospital, he was shot in the chest and leg. Katia has been with the Police Force for over 20 years and has been intensively trained to remain calm during armed confrontations. Her husband who is also on the police force Lieutenant Andre Alves told reporters his wife is doing well and feels she did the right thing protecting children and their mothers.

We Have A Natural Right To Protect Our Life, Liberty, And Property

The Government Does Not Give Us The Right To Protect Ourselves

Unalienable and Natural Rights

    These are rights that all people have at birth. The government does not grant these rights, and therefore no government can take them away. The Declaration of Independence says that among these rights are “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

    The U.S. Constitution does not mention “unalienable” or “natural rights.” But the first 10 amendments to the Constitution list the basic rights of Americans. These amendments are known as the Bill of Rights. The amendments contain many, many rights, including:

  • of religion
  • of speech
  • of the press
  • to assemble
  • to complain to the Government
  • to keep and bear Arms
  • to a speedy and public trial
  • to bail
  • to an impartial jury
  • to be informed of what crime you are accused of
  • to be confronted with the witnesses against him
  • to be able to call witnesses in your favor
  • to have a lawyer.

I grew up at a time in America, the 1960s when everyone in my rural community had rifles for hunting and killing predators that threatened our livestock. The high school in my community had rifle training classes, and the young people often brought their rifles to school for classes. There was never any accidents or mass shooting. However we did have an occasional streaker, teenage men would run naked through the school. That was a trend back then, and the young men were suspended but no one took action as serious, we all laughed at the sight! People were streaking all over the United States and often at important events like football games or the Academy Awards for the best movies of the year.

We had no accidental shootings or armed robberies in our community. Everyone was trained from a young age how to handle weapons with respect and also how to hunt. Everyone in Oregon knew everyone else was armed and trained how to use a firearm. Most thieves are not stupid and avoided robbing rural communities; they didn't want to die. Most of our men served in the military as well. The largest amount of crime happened in cities with strict gun laws, and the common person was afraid of guns and depended on the Police to Protect them. In rural communities here in America, it takes at least 30 minutes or an hour for the Police to respond to an emergency. The police cannot protect anyone within the first 15 minutes of the initial threat to your safety from a robbery even if you live in the city.

In my community we learned at an early age in school that our community firearms were for protection and also used for hunting. We hunted to provide food for our families not for sport! In our school system, we learned the history of our Bill of Rights and Constitution. The Second Amendment was not only for the protection of life and property from thieves but also from tyrannical governments. The world is a dangerous place, and a firearm is a tool that levels those who are physically strong and those who are physically weak. Women can protect themselves and their families from those who could overpower them, rape them, steal property and harm those that they love.

Anyone who thinks they can overpower the weak here in America, we are armed no matter our gender or physical powers. Because we can carry a concealed weapon, the thieves, rapist, and perverts will never know who will kill them if they try to rape, rob or steal. Think twice before you try and hurt our families, communities, and property, we will kill to protect life, liberty, and property!

Be warned as an American Woman I am armed and dangerous, many of us, like my daughter, have military training. I have been trained to use a firearm since I was a child. Not defending the weak and vulnerable is an act of violence because those who have evil intentions can quickly attain a gun while those who are law abiding in cities that are anti-gun have no protection. The police here in America are not here to protect citizens; their job is to enforce laws and gather revenue. "Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone"

Criminals know they can rob, steal, and rape without the worries their victims will protect themselves. In my state of Oklahoma, criminals know just about everyone owns a gun and or carries a concealed firearm and knows how to use it!
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Good for you for learning how to protect yourself from an early age as well as training your children to do this. I grew up in a very Democrat state where we assume the police will come save us if anything happened. Thankfully nothing happened to me or my family when I was growing up. But of course, there are crazy people out there and it is important to know how to protect yourself. I need to train myself how to use firearms. It's kinda scary though...I'm just intimidated by it I guess.

Somehow, I always suspected you were armed and dangerous.

I've never had to use my hand-gun and I pray I never have too. But I have taken a vow to protect all sentient beings. That means I will take a life to protect a life...a Buddhist paradox...sigh

Sentient? That rules me out then. I think I'm not sure I am.

hahaha, I love you silly...

Thats a heart breaking story oh may god help us..and you talk about human
Rights i appreciated your struggle and raising your voice on the rights.

The world has never been safe, we have been lulled into a false sense of security here in America and the West...there will never be a safe utopia as long as there are ignorant, greedy, hateful people. You can't regulate morality...So we all must learn to protect ourselves and our communities.

Wow that woman have balls but i love to see acts like that, that man thought ah good some mothers outside well good moment to stole some money but finally he finished as a good idiot great for tha mom. Regards

Yeah, she was well trained, I have decided to start practicing again, it's been a few years since I was at a gun range!

Some woman are dangerous.. but not all...Some woman wants two things ,danger and play. Your giving video woman is really dangerous but she wanted to protect herself..

We aren't dangerous if our families and person are safe...Women here in America's were raised to fight and protect their family and community.

I think she did the right thing to protect the children from that thief

Even animals will protect their young, only slaves and serfs have no right to protect their own body, family, and property, this has been the truth all over the world.

Nice. I grew up very similar :). When i lived in Georgia there were virtually no theft crime because everyone was armed and no fool wanted a confrontation. Everyone left there homes unlocked. I especially like "The Second Amendment was not only for the protection of life and property from thieves but also from tyrannical governments."

Also it is alarming the amount of mass shooters that were on antidepressants, but there totally safe and healthy.

I think every one of the mass shooters was on some kind of antidepressant or medication for mental illness and anxiety. America has changed as people are crammed into unnatural living conditions in the city and don't understand American social norms and laws based on basic human rights...Our schools no longer teach about our constitution or how our government, all three branches are supposed to work. I should write about the 14 amendment written for the newly freed slaves and how their rights were co-opted and given to corporations which won odd is that? Now corporations have more power than American citizens. Corporations can hire protection, don't die, and have the mental capacities of psychopaths...

Corporations are a scary entity. Not totally familiar w them but maybe ill start one in the name of love abundance and protection (dont take shit from no one).

My statement might go against some part of your story.

  • I agree with the mother part protecting their kids, happened to me so many times whenever I cried home and my mom drags my hands to know the cause of someone making me cry.

  • But I what I won't support is the firing arms that you guys boast about, I believe you might have heard Childish Gambino song and watch the video link how guns are treated with respect than life.

  • Also I recommend you watch this movie is that a gun in your pocket a child took his father gun to school and mistakenly fired an old man which later erupted more troubles... Watch the movie to know more.

I rest my case, I LOVE MY MUM.

Freedom is not safe, and everyone here in America has a right to state their opinion and live their life as they wish as long as they don't harm anyone...but as soon as you try to steal, rape, or kill, you will face the wrath of a free person protecting their family and community.

She is very brave to protect the young ones I take my hat off for her.
On another note, mass shootings as written didn't occur because from a young age people learned about the gun, how to use it and what can it do. Nowadays children are too "defended".. if your kid falls from a swing, don't tell him "don't go on swings" let the kid learn what the fall from swing means and they will stop falling! We learn by experience. :)

I let my kids fall down and they had to pick themselves up and brush themselves off...We also went hunting and killed livestock on our farm so my children knew what dealth looked like and smelled like. Many people have no idea what it is like to kill something with a gun. All people know is the clean fake deaths on video games....Seeing and experiencing the destructive nature of guns teaches respect and the dangers of handling dangerous tools carelessly. Farm kids had to work with not just fire arms but chainsaws, tractors, equimpement if handled carelessly could kill them or someone else...most kids today only know how to handle digital equimpment.

I am glad you are raising your kids as it should be. So they are prepared for life! You are definitely right, today everything is about protecting kids and putting them in bubbles when in the same time real world isn't like that...

@reddust, You shared very better to hear life story about real mother of Katia del Silva. I've read successfully her love about her children. She loves not only to her kids. She loved another kids. Mother's love so natural and grateful. Your review must valuable for Mother's day mam.

We Have A Natural Right To Protect Our Life, Liberty, And Property

Absolutely agreed with your contents and you'll feel this if you'll parent someday. Great job @reddust.

Thank you for your understanding my friend @madushanka, I have had Buddhist friends shun me because I own a gun and will kill a human to protect the innocent and the weak.

Well,I don't really know what to call that. Crime offence or a self defense. May be she is considering the life of the pupils around, and the life of her self too.

Though, here in Nigeria we have no right to take judgement in our hands, you can't kill someone just because you suspect he/she is a thief, even without concrete evidence. Your right is to hand him or her over to the police.

At the same time, there are some situations that warrants such a scenario and someone must make such of actions to prevent further damages.

There are things she can do as you said she is trained, she can shoot the thief at the leg or arm. At least that will prevent the thief from causing further dangers and will put her at less risk.

I first shocked when I first see "Mothers are dangerous " but I can see clearly now your reference.

Mothers are good ooo. Hahahaha
Thanks for sharing @reddust

The thief was part of a gang that was stealing from school children. He pulled a gun on her and shot first! Everyone around her was blessed she was well trained!

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