Devil in the Details: The reality of Anthony Weiner's scandals and his unholy union with the Clintons

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Representative Anthony Weiner drew the short stick when it comes to names, brains and self-control. Although his trial is ongoing and his crimes are still being investigated, Weiner joins an ever-growing list of United States Congressman connected to sexual abuse of children. Perhaps most upsetting is that Weiner's inappropriate behavior has been brought to the public's attention multiple times before he was finally arrested for soliciting a 15 year old girl.

Above image from and (from left to right) shows Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton

It's not entirely sure why the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has been so slow to investigate claims against Anthony Weiner, but many believe it has something to do with his political connections along with those of his wife, Huma Abedin. While never in Congress herself, Abedin is considered to be one of Hillary Clinton's closest confidantes. Clinton and Abedin communicate directly on many occasions in WikiLeaks emails and frequently travel together.(1) Even Abedin's own parents were "jealous" that their daughter spent more time with Hillary than them.(2)

Their relationship goes much further however. For instance Hillary and Huma have worked together for over 21 years,(3) Bill officiate Abedin and Weiner's wedding(4), and that Huma and Hillary spend more time together than either does with their husbands.(5)

With this context in mind, we will take a look into Anthony Weiner's dark history, his on-going trial and emerging details of Weiner and Abedin's bizarre shared connections with the Clintons which strongly suggest a conspiracy (in its truest sense) is at play.

2011 Scandals

Anthony Weiner has been involved in an absolutely horriffic number of scandals and incidents for at least the last 6 years. This began in May 2011 when investigative journalist Andrew Breitbart published photos sent by Anthony Weiner to a 21-year old woman in Seattle, Washington which were definitely sexual in nature.(6) Initially, Weiner would allege that the photo was the result of his computer being hacked and was a fake in an attempt to discredit Andrew Breitbart.(7)

This aforementioned scandal became known as "Weinergate", but Weiner's activities definitely did not stop there. Less than a month after the first images were published, yet another set of suggestive photos were published by Andrew Breitbart that were sent from Anthony Weiner to yet another woman. At least one contained sexually graphic material as well.(8) Again Anthony Weiner, later that June, was found to have also "sexted" a woman from Las Vegas, Nevada, which also included sexually explicit images.(9)

As a result of all these allegations, Anthony Weiner finally made public admissions to his indiscretions in a press conference(10) and officially submitted a letter of resignation to the United States House of Representatives in June 2011.(11)

2013 Scandals and the "Carlos Danger Incident"

Despite all the humiliation and horror of Weiner's first set of "sexting" scandals, his behavior continued unabated for many more years. Despite the admissions and scandals in 2011, in 2013 Anthony Weiner was set to run for the prestigious office of Mayor of New York City. This campaign, however, would find an all-too similar end.

In July of 2013, The Dirty made available images sent between Anthony Weiner and a 22-year old woman between 2012 and 2013, revealing his online nickname, "Carlos Danger". These images also contained graphic, sexually explicit content. In spite of all this, Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin, stated at a press conference that he would continue his mayoral campaign.(12)
Needless to say in September of 2013 Anthony Weiner would decisively lose the election for Mayor of New York City.(13)

2015 Scandal

I stated in the opening paragraph that Anthony Weiner lacked self-control. If there was any doubt of this before, please briefly suspend your disbelief for just a bit more...

In 2015 Anthony Weiner was texting a 40 year old woman erotic messages when he revealed that, "Someone just climbed into my bed." That someone was his then-6-month-old son, whom he photographed alongside his underweared genitals. His correspondent replied, "You do realize you can see you[r] Weiner in that pic??"(14)

2016 Scandal and criminal trial for child pornography

In September of 2016 it was finally revealed that Anthony Weiner had also maintained similar "sexting" contact with a 15 year old girl.(15) As a result of these allegations, the New York Police Department (NYPD) confiscated computers belonging to both Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin.(16) A few months later in January of 2017 it would be reported that the FBI was investigating Anthony Weiner for child pornography.(17)

The texts themselves get far more graphic, but I figured this was telling enough to post here. It's still unknown exactly how many victims Weiner had or at least harassed, but it's evident that in spite of repeated scandals his behavior only seemed to worsen over time. Obviously this man has not received any proper detention, rehabilitation or really any significant change whatsoever to his thought process which should allow him to roam the streets freely.

The NYPD appears to share this same sentiment and frustration with Anthony Weiner. On a few occasions the NYPD themselves directly stated that they were to turn over the contents of Weiner and Abedin's computers over to the public if the FBI continued to slack on its investigation. Despite these threats, however, the FBI continued to lag on the trial of Anthony Weiner.

Most recently on March 22, 2017, the NYPD finally had enough and turned over various documents and information to the political blog, True Pundit for release online. The NYPD's frustration is palpable:(18)

“They (feds) sat on it,” The NYPD source said. “Fucking disgraceful.”

The NYPD sources went on to disclose some of the facts that Abedin, Clinton and the FBI were interested in hiding:

  • Weiner coaxed video chats in which he asked the girl to undress and touch herself and repeat his name out loud.
  • The girl told Weiner that she was a sophomore in high school and trying to get a learner’s permit to and learn how to drive.
  • Weiner knew the girl was suffering from depression and occasional suicidal thoughts yet urged the youth to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits and pressed her to engage in rape fantasies.
  • Weiner repeatedly told the high school student that he wanted to force himself on her when her father was out of town and away from the house.
  • Weiner forced the girl to write him a letter saying that their online relationship was friendly and at no time did he engage in sexual conversation or innuendo. The youth complied. That letter is on the lap top and in the FBI’s possession, NYPD said. Weiner may have provided a copy to Clinton to cover her in case these allegations exploded during the campaign.
  • Weiner used his cell phone to correspond with the girl and the texting apps Confide and Kik as well as desktop Facebook and Skype from the girl’s bedroom while her parents were often asleep in the next room.
  • Likewise alarming, and largely due to Abedin and Clinton’s silence, Weiner continued to sext the teenager for approximately four months after Clinton learned of the illegal relationship.
  • The girl might have been 14 years old when the sexual relationship commenced in January 2016, per records obtained by NYPD.

Even after the NYPD's release of this information, the United States Department of State revelead in The Washington Times that the contents of her email server wouldn't be fully made available to investigators until 2020.(19)

Literally, this is the photo The Washington Times included with this article:

This blatant depravity amongst our "elite" handlers brings endless shame to the entire United States political system. The fact that such behavior is acceptable is disgusting, and it's certainly not just in this case, but also in the historical cases of Rep. Dennis Hastert, Rep. Joseph P. Wyatt, Sen. Bob Menendez, Rep. Tom DeLay, Rep. Barney Frank, Rep. Mel Reynolds, Rep. "Duke" Cunningham, and that's just naming a few other Congressman.

Still not sure if leaders of the "free world" peddle children? Stay tuned...

More on all of the above individuals can be found on the Pizzagate Wiki

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An now they only want to give this scumbag 2 years.

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