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RE: Trump Wants To Repeal Federal Income Taxes And Abolish The IRS

in #news6 years ago

Not one cent of the so called income tax has ever been applied to the national debt of the United States. All the money collected by the IRS has gone straight to the Federal Reserve System, a private banking monopoly. Proof of this statement was decided by the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals late 1992, court case 'Lewis vs United States' stating, "The Federal Reserve Banks are privately owned, locally controlled, separate corporations, having absolutely nothing to do with the Federal Government of the United States of America. The fact that the Federal Reserve Board regulates the Reserve Banks does not make them federal agencies under the Act. (H.R. report No. 69, 63 Congress, 1st Session 18-19).


That is correct. The fed steals the wealth of the people and controls the economy of the nation. It is parasitic and unconstitutional.

We need to get rid of it and go back to a national banking system and issuing our own money.

All this started when politicians sold out and gave control of the monetary system to a group of private western Rothschild central banks. Wages and jobs have been declining over all these years of central banking reign. This is in part because currencies are constantly, by design, losing value through inflation. – Since the central bank was implemented, things have gone from bad to worse, and they are getting a lot worse every day, as there is no desire for improvement.

The recession of 2008 never ended. It is still going on today without any progress in the foreseeable future. People are never being able to return to the standard of living they had before 2008, as the entire economic system is deteriorating very quickly.

Bear in mind, this monetary system is debt-based. The central banks need debt to issue new currency out of thin air. Of course, the entire system is a complete fraud, and it is now entering its final stages, since no new debt is forthcoming. That is why the Deep State, who owns the central bank for their funding, want to start WW3, to blame the failure of the system on war as they have done in the past. But people don’t want more war and President Trump knows all that, so that eventually, this may prove to be the reason the federal reserve is forced close its doors.

Preach .. love it!!
I am with you 100%

The central banks need debt to issue new currency out of thin air.

Correct and charge interest on that worthless paper.
There are so much idiocracy and people arguing when the truth is in front of them and they just want to say Conspiracy theory..

Yes, they harvested homes in the 80's... all part of the plan.

.haha! Nice to meet you.

The IRS is broken. :) There is much I could say but we both agree to agree.
What a concept. People awake and happy. :)

They harvest all the wealth in the end because while they loan money out of thin air to governments and charge interest, which is how money is created, they don't create the interest needed to pay the loan. This insures that some of the borrowers will default on their loans. There's not enough money for all the loans to be paid back with interest. Like playing musical chairs some will be left out and have to claim bankruptcy leaving the winners able to buy the losers assets for pennies on the dollar.

It's crazy the people call it a conspiracy. One only has to look and see that only the principle of the loans are added to the money supply but not the interest. The only was ever loan can be paid back is to borrow more and keep the debt cycle going. This is not sustainable and must collapse.

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