in #news6 years ago (edited)


American markets prices are DOW is increased 54.65 and 0.21%. In India stocks going down. NASDAQ is increased 51.6 and 0.65%. Amazon has opened four star store. It’s already popular for its quality products. Amazon store has high rated products. Strike hits bad, 250 flights are cancelled across the Eurpore.

Canada VS America

North American Free Trade Agreement is NAFTA. Like all other trade associations it’s the famous one. America is doing new Deal with Canada has review of North American Free Trade Agreement. USA targeted its own business rights on first hand and not wanting to compromise.

Mexico has all ready agree to do new deal with America. American President has set time with Canada for this new deal i.e. NAFTA. These deal is held on 1st October. Normally we noticed soft behaviour of Americans to Canada. But President Donald trump has deny to talk with Canada.

U.S. has object 200% to 300% tax on dairy. USA already having tariff war with China and Turkey. The NAFTA annual deal worth 2.1 trillion dollar. It’s strange to see with Canada too. This deal is done in both the countries i.e. Canada and America. America will not wait for the NAFTA deal said by Chief Robert Lighthizer.

Brett Kavanaugh Vote

President Donald Trump has nominated to Brett Kavanaugh because he was honest, powerful and interesting. Republican Party has delay voting. These are member of Republican Party i.e. SUSAN COLLINS, JEFF FLAKE, JOE MANCHIN and LISA MURKOWSKI etc.

Brett Kavanaugh supporter has said I'm with him. Brett Kavanaugh has supporters on Social media. Students watch Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford hearing in New York.

Senate Committee has voted to Kavanaugh. This voting is done on Friday. Brett Kavanaugh said that never Sexual harassment with anyone. Dr. Ford has testify to Brett Kavanaugh. Dr. ford said that Mark judge has handle this case.

Today's News Summary

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