in #news5 years ago (edited)



Five people are arrested during Brexit demonstration in Central London.

Player Sala has died in plane crash. The investigation has continues till now.

The Europe has rejected Brexit deal. Strike three for Theresa may Brexit deal. British pound fall after Brexit votes. Brexit supports hold rallies in London.

Robert Muller report has released by mid April said America attorney General.

America stocks close higher Friday, capping off a strong quarter.

IN Chicago ask actor Jussie Smollett to pay 130000 dollars for Police investigation.

China Plane loaded 65 tonnes of medical aid lands in Caracas.

IN Venezuela has banned from running for public office for 15 years. Police use the water on Demonstrators.


Immigration system breaking point said by border Chief. Mexico has stopped the illegal immigration from coming to America. The Robert Muller report has take to Victory lab. President Donald trump has shutdown Southern Border from next week. The first post of Robert N+Muller in Victory Lab. Congress will has Robert muller report within Weeks. Border Chief says that Breaking point has arrived. American President has threats to closed Mexico border. President Donald Trump has declared on Friday. trump says I'm not kidding around. Donald Trump has again threatened to close mexico Border, with a new surge of migrants heading north, he gave a definite timetable.


The Government will keep pressing for orderly Brexit Prime Minister Theresa may said in the parliament. Vote taken on same day. The vote is taken when the Leaving EU. The parliament has discuss the all alternative on Monday. The Parliament of UK has rejected the Theresa may withdrawal deal again. Pro Brexit protester will held on support day to leave. Emergency EU summit called on April 10th. UK will crash out with no deal on April 12th. Theresa may deal has defeated at least three time. Theresa may has hope of fourth deal to vote in Brexit deal. The plan of Brexit has lost the another vote. There is third strike. The Brexit deal is divorce deal.

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