America is going to war in the next 4 years

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Some background:

Hillary will win.

I'm going to go ahead and call the election. But if I'm wrong, we go to war anyway because eventually someone in NK insults the size of Trump's penis and we start nuking them. So this is assuming we don't go the Trump / penis joke route.

Hillary is hated

The right in America hates Hillary as if she was Satan, Hitler, and Stalin all at once. The left takes issue with her as a bought and paid-for war hawk. The bought and paid-for part is kind of a given - that's how America works - so the only real thing they can call her on is being a war hawk. Which is fair, since she seems to be at the center of all recent American conflicts.

Note: I'm not casting moral judgement on this. I'm usually on the hawkish side.

China is being a massive dick to our allies

Japan is rebuilding their military in response to China. The Philippines is re-opening Clark air-force base to Americans. Vietnam got over our prior battles and is signing trade and ARMS treaties with the USA. I was in Hanoi when they paraded new weapons from the west down the street.

In the middle of this buildup, China is being a massive dick with their 7 dash line. In Vietnam, the people complain about toxic, cancerous, chemical infested food from China. China considers Vietnam a provincial vassal state that should pay tribute. And don't forget - after the Vietnam/American war, it was CHINA that invaded, rolled up to Hanoi, and basically took a shit there just to prove they could.

Hillary has to worry about re-election in 4 years.

Remember George HW Bush? That idiot was cratering hard as a president. The general stupidity of him and his whole administration is basically legendary. And yet he got re-elected. The reason why - WAR. Americans don't like to change presidents in war.

For Hillary, going to war offers a ton of benefits.

  1. The general reluctance of the American public to change presidents will be in her favor
  2. It's hard to whine about a war hawk when you're already at war. It's no longer relevant
  3. Republicans are more likely to vote for her - what, you want to vote against the strength of America?
  4. War tends to boost the Economy. A war with China also appeals to the Trump electorate. Jobs jobs jobs!

China is more worth fighting than Russia

China's farther away and more alien - it's an easier sell. And China, thanks to their great firewall, puts themselves and their people in a terrible position to respond to the PR in an intelligent way.

Double bonus: Outside of their immediate neighbors, China has actually been doing a good job with foreign diplomacy and investment. Striking China down would help the USA keep these China friendly countries in line. Dick move by the USA? Absolutely. But that's kind of the USA's international calling card when it comes to these things.

Plus, China is surrounded by our allies who HATE them. Japan and China have been mortal enemies for centuries. The Philippines is getting plenty of reasons to despise China and is headed by Rodrigo Duterte. He likes his roving death squads. He got elected by the open promise of mass executions of internal criminals who fucked with his people's safety. I don't think he'll have much problem signing up to go to war against China who keeps harassing honest fishermen

And of course, Vietnam. Vietnam sees china as an ongoing threat to sovereignty. China is NOT popular with the common people or the government. War would be a laughably easy sell.

China is easier to cripple than Russia

Most of China's important targets are right along their coast, while America's Navy is by far the largest and most powerful in the world. With American allies helping to control most of the coastal waters, striking at China's ports and port cities wouldn't be difficult. The biggest advantage of china - population - is neutralized. America HATES bodybags so the ability to rain down death - at range - is an important consideration for any American war. War with Russia means American bodies on the ground (and thus, in the ground). A Naval war not so much. Plus, sailors lost at sea don't result in pictures of body parts strewn across the ground. The seas swallow all the evidence of carnage.

Xi Jinping isn't helping

His regime has been very nationalist and very bent on ignoring the the expectations and desires of the rest of the world. He may not step down from power. Xi rules more and more as an autocrat, one determined to gain power for china in the region. Xi is reshaping their military in order to project power. So China, like the USA has interest in violence.

For the record: I think the war STARTS with China vs Japan. Then we get pulled in.

I'm not saying I like this outcome

I'm just saying that this is what I think will happen. Sorry if I made you depressed.


I admire your knowledge of the subject, you know a lot about the political issues of different countries. It's not easy to follow movements of many countries but you've done it.

I hope you are wrong. But .... I don't see any flaws in your logic. :-(

I've been living in Asia for the last year or so and have friends in all the named countries (other than China). And I'm an American and I know how we roll. I'd be shocked if bullets weren't flying in ~2-3 years.

I don't see America starting a war with China. They manufacture all of our stuff, Hillary would be the least popular President ever when the iPhone supply was cut off!

Intel and other companies are working hard to move out of china because - shockingly - it's getting too expensive. It will take a few more years for that ecosystem to come online, but it is happening. Apple has backup plans as well.

I'm pretty sure that some components of most us military equipment are made in china, or at least from metals imported from china. As much as I don't like china I think that almost every country in the world is dependant on Chinese manufacturing and mining .
If world would really be preparing to war with china we would see 20 years of building mines and factories in NATO countries. As for now wiping off china mean we are back to pre industrial times in terms of scarcity and price of everyday items.
Look through your kitchen, wardrobe etc. independent of which country you are in I bet at least half of things in there is "MADE IN CHINA" or "MADE IN PRC" and it's probably the cheaper half (with many few exceptions like maybe India)

I don't like politics. And I don't like wars either. What I do like is soldiers turning their guns towards the real threat. Which does not comes from outside borders. But from behind closed agendas. I hate politics they promote discrimination and hate. Propaganda and violence, for once I would love to see presidents to promote peace and common interests. I hope this elections to be the beginning of something I am not used to. That would be news for me. Sadly people love death and despair to much.

That possibility left once Bernie Sanders was defeated for the nomination. You'll never find a peace loving republican, and Hillary is as bloodthirsty as the come for the democrats.

Hmm, Bernie Sanders has been senator for quite some time... he is part of the establishment

he was anti on everything though. surveilence act patriot act, he was always opposing them.

Bernie won't allow that. The guy had suffered a lot from lunatics over his course in life. He won't be what he hate it is against his nature. He wouldn't support a lunatic that could potentially harm innocent lives and could destroy families. I really think that Clinton will be our only chance for some peace. He wouldn't support her if he thought otherwise. That is my opinion for that matter. Plus I really hate Trump. He is the definition of how a dictator can emerge out of a democracy. Really scary guy.

Bernie is in an impossible place. He either helps Hillary or he helps trump. Trump is obviously more dangerous. Trump would fight a nuclear war for no reason. Hillary will probably avoid the nukes and at least fight a sane war.

I don't think a no-blood presidency is on the table :/

The Goliath Nation Holding an open audition for the part of David. America is always at war...

@rampant ...I believe you put a LOT of work into this! But it's pure 'opinion'...I don't mean it's a bad post, it's a GOOD one! My own posts are purely opinion at times...anyway, how will Russia sit in this? Will they back us? Or China...or just sit it out?

I dont know. That is a hard call

"eventually someone in NK insults the size of Trump's penis" lol :) Yes, ballistic missile subs are a bitch

lol, attacking china would be like putting an end to the US... (and if you think seriously that Japan or Philippine could help US against china... well... think twice...).
But now, I understand all the bad choice made by the US in terms of foreign policy in the past 30 years, if they all think like you... lol

I'm not saying it's a good thing, I'm saying this is what Hillary will do. from HER perspective it helps her keep power, whether it's good or bad for the rest of the country.

None of the wars the USA has fought in the last 30-40 years have really been good for the USA. But they HAVE been good for the people in power.

we will be in nuclear ware when she becomes president

As long as China does not use nukes or hits my home country, the US and China can slug it out for all I care. Oh wait, no more new Star Wars movies for awhile if war ever breaks out...No!!!

the latest Star War movies weren't the best either... may-be they should go to war to avoid the embarrassment of making another one

Yeah, George Lucas was too greedy and hated constructive criticism like a fag out of fashion.

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