Seattle Residents: Not Too Sweet on Sugar Tax
How much would you pay for a Gatorade Frost Variety Pack?
For what normally sells for $15.99, Seattle residents have to pay $26.33 for the sports energy drink, thanks to the levied $10.34 sugar tax.
The case of Coke is now $7.35 more expensive than Coke Zero. That's an up-charge of $1.75 per ounce tax on sugary beverages.
What makes matters worse is how the city is planning on spending the money.
According to local channel KIRO7:
Most of the 2018 tax money has already been allocated to programs and one-time administrative costs. The city said that, for the first year, there are higher administrative costs to implement the tax, as well as to set up and expand programs.
Right now, there’s still about $3 million of the $15 million to be allocated for 2018.
So they created a tax to pay for the tax. Fantastic.
Costco is helpfully reminding consumers that they have additional stores outside of Seattle's perimeter, though other businesses--particularly small businesses--do not have that luxury.
Mmmmmm that good ol H2O
Gaaaaattoooraaade ..H2o.. water sucks it really really sux...
It's ridiculous, but ... Seattle is a ridiculous place.