The r0ach report vol 9: How Trump might accidentally help Soros and his band of international "financiers" by fighting them

in #news8 years ago (edited)

(image from

It is said the most common characteristic of 3rd world countries is they have no manufacturing base. In order to subsidize, or really create any type of domestic manufacturing at all, Trump has to reduce the value of the dollar to benefit exports in relation to currencies like the yuan. Either that or completely fence off America so that it's not even possible to buy external goods, but most nations rely on imports whether it's energy or things like rubber from Asia.

The current majority of international trade and forex occurs using USD somewhere in the pipeline. Unless the US prints a lot of money, or foreign countries switch to denominating trade in other assets, it's very difficult to bring the value of the USD down in relation to the other garbage fiats. That's the whole catch with being a reserve currency, you're required to export more currency than you bring in (a trade deficit and implosion of domestic manufacturing).

The only way Trump can "make America great again" is to destroy the dollar, China style centralized devaluation, print dollars to infinity with hyperinflation, or some other tactic mentioned above like completely fencing off America. High tariffs essentially accomplish goals like that in practice, fencing off the country, but they usually start currency wars where the usual endgame is using metals as a common unit of account, or having a real war. In this case, whatever it is Trump attempts will likely be very bullish for metals in some manner since it's a race to the bottom with every country trying to get their fiat to zero as fast as possible before giving up and using gold anyway.

Some have theorized US currency would be switched into two different units with a new domestic only dollar to bypass the whole currency war devals. Such a tactic would likely only help the bankers implement the SDR to take over the world with the SDR as the unit of account. Under such a scenario, instead of America living beyond their means by having the reserve currency and paying with everything on credit that they devalue to nothing and everyone else bearing the cost, we would have an even worse situation where instead of a country benefiting from this arrangement, it's just a handful of bankers at the IMF/BIS that benefit while everyone else eats the tab - a de facto state of world government and loss of sovereignty.

The moral of the story is, beware of the domestic only dollar.


Someone had to take Mr. Trump to the side and explain all that to him.

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