The r0ach report 19: The mainstream media broke all records in Malthusian propaganda today: RFID Chipping

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Today, Fox (and likely others) ran a video segment on a company called Three Square Market - which may as well be known as "Red Square Market". The company is boasting about it's endeavor to plant RFIDs - which they refer to as "chips" - into their employees.

Now, I've seen stories like this for a long time over the years, which makes me doubt their claim that they're the first, but they're claiming to be the first in this instance for some reason. The real angle of the story is the media's absolute praise of the situation and condonement of one of the affiliated companies known as 32M that claims:

“Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.," - Todd Westby, 32M CEO said in a company press release.

Instead of just brushing RFID off as conspiracy theory or some dumb thing a Google employee might inflict himself with for no real reason besides screwing around, they've now switched the playbook from neutral to active propaganda promoting it as inevitable and "standardized" that everyone will be "chipped" with one.

I'm not much of a religious person myself, but the so called biblical or RFID "mark of the beast" conspiracy seems to be playing out right in broad daylight whether you believe in religion or not. Over the last few months I've written extensively on why cryptocurrency does not solve any monetary problems which are not far better addressed by gold and silver, and I believe these real, tangible units of exchange will be one of the few possible ways of resisting systems like this, while cryptocurrency will likely be used as an avenue to de-cash society and herd people into these RFID schemes.

With Visa and others simultaneously declaring "a war on cash", de-cashing society is being pushed everywhere you look. When your money is always permanently tied into a system of counter party risk (unlike gold and silver), where an entity like the govt can just take it from you, it's over and you're living in communism.

Cryptocurrency is not a solution against this plot, it has rent seeking middle men (transaction validators) and counter party risk built into the system. Inability to remove middle men or counter party risk makes them unsuitable to be used as a settlement layer, aka money or the base of Exter's pyramid, while their redundancy design also makes them incapable of scaling for role as a currency at the same time.

The only real way to fight against the encroachment of systems like this is boycotting "currencies" entirely and insisting on using "money" instead. Money has required traits, it can't just be anything you want. The requirement are traits like durability, portability, fungibility, divisibility, uniformity, and scarcity.

Or to put it simply:

Money = has objective, static traits

Currency = random arbitrary bullshit some guy makes up and constantly fiddles with like fiat or bitcoin. If it's possible for your money to "hard fork", or randomly morph from one thing to another, it's not fungible, and hence not money. In that circumstance you are involved in some type of scheme with a schemer ruling over you.

It doesn't matter if said forks are orchestrated by a banana republic of miners in a voting process. There is no Nash equilibrium in cryptocurrency, only a power vacuum to be filled by a top down hierarchy or strongman. To escape this master and servant hierarchy you have to use real money that cannot be altered or tampered with by third parties.

(image: )

The Fox News spin on said story -

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