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RE: Multiple Studies Show Teen Suicide Rates Explode During School Year

in #news6 years ago

Somehow, somewhere, somebody needs to help teens learn to be objective with their thinking. All those young, creative minds were wasted on being concerned about their own feelings.
This way of thinking was not done without influence.


in order to sell people things you first have to make them feel bad about themselves

That's partially true... but there are a lot more reasons people buy things. People buy things because of daily needs, to reach goals, as rewards for their accomplishments and more.

I strongly agree with the premise of this post. That schools are damaging to the mental health of people. That's an important message of warning that needs to be shared.

Right, people buy things they want and need, but if you want to sell someone your brand of whatever it is then you need to make them feel like theirs is not fulfilling them and is the source of their unhappiness and that if they buy your brand they will finally be happy.

Adolescence is a difficult time, spring is the most popular season for suicides. Of course school has both social and academic pressures. If suicides have doubled in the last decade it does not make sense to blame schools for that though, they haven't really changed during that time. One thing that did change during that time which is hugely influential on kids is the adoption of social media and smart phones so maybe it would make more sense to see if that is the cause of this trend.

Good response. I think that smart phones and social media are definitely a factor. It's easier for people to think they are "connected" while actually becoming more isolated. They also compare their not perfect lives with the perception of perfection that people highlight when they share on social media. We usually share the best of things on social media, things that make our lives look better. Which might provoke a sense of inadequacy in others who view that and compare themselves to it.

I was a school teacher and I saw as kids went from not having phones to having phones. It's a nightmare from a teachers perspective to try to compete with and deal with those phones. On the one hand after smart phones all kids can read now, there used to be kids who couldn't read in 8th grade but now they all can to some degree, on the other hand it makes them grow up faster and get into weird shit earlier and makes it harder for them to get out of it. You have someone who might decide they are an emo or furry or juggolo at age 12 and make their social media persona all about that and then all that shit is still there when they are 19 and ready to go to college. Kids used to get to reinvent themselves when they started highschool and college and after, now that is a lot harder.

Kids used to be able to go home after school and the bullying would stop but now they are on their phones harassing each other 24/7, school doesn't cause that. We see the same thing in adults with social media.

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