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RE: The New Red Scare Further Blurs the Line Between Real and Hogwash

in #news8 years ago

Ugh Mada, why are you spewing this fake news when there's a perfectly good rumor out there to get crazy about???

Seriously though, I feel like there are only a few people I know (you included) that actually cared to examine these claims. The end game is here if we can so easily rabble the peasants with cries of Russia's taking over!!!!

People don't even care what's in the emails, just that they were leaked (NOT hacked). What kind of twisted, hybrid dystopian world is this that Aldous and George are more "real news" than most outlets approved to run Merica's message.


I would just repeat the rumor like an obedient peasant IF the rumor was a bit more interesting.

Like, if the CIA had officially announced that aliens had come to Earth from a far off galaxy/other dimension to trick us into believing that the US democratic primary was rigged, I would totally repeat the rumor unquestioningly. In fact, I might just start telling people that anyway...

Sounds like you may have a promising career in the upcoming ministry of truth, now that they've passed the needed legislation. Not much of a fanfare either, makes you think they wanted to slip it by

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