The Lost Art of War

in #news8 years ago


The Spirit of God says: "Why are my people not repenting? You use generalized repentance, which has little to no effect, when you should be using target focused repentance and prayer. You don't use target focused repentance, because of your pride! Your haughty spirits and attitudes have caused you to fall into the enemy's pit. You're afraid of target focused repentance, because you will have to admit there is fault with you and your congregation. By not repenting, this is an abomination. My people have lost the art of war, for any true warrior of mine knows that waging an effective warfare, starts with target focused repentance and prayer."

The Spirit of God says: "Woe, Woe, Woe, to you leaders that have led my people astray. You, who are cowardly and afraid of offending, have sacrificed my truth and my people on the altar of Mammon. Repent now or you will not come out of that pit, for truly you have received your reward and that's all you will get. You honor me with your lips but your hearts are far from me. Because of your pride and refusal to repent, there will be no hiding from this judgment. It's upon my church, especially the leadership. Your big fancy homes, clothes and cars, were made with money stained with innocent blood. This has allowed the enemy to come in on you like a flood. Even the Pharisees knew not to touch that money, but woa to you that continue to take it saying it's sweet as honey. The blood, the blood which cries out to me day and night, from the aborted babies to the murdering of my prophets. The blood is on my churches' hands, and yet no repentance? I am looking for my true love, my pure spotless bride, and it grieves me her garments are stained because of pride. Where is she? Where is she my true love, I can no longer wait, my judgment is upon you, repent and come back before it's too late."

Note: These are not my words. I am merely a messenger.

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