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in #news6 years ago (edited)


It’s the Television. The TV is a Weapon of Mass Deception, forget about nukes, the TV has already caused massive damage, of epic proportions, to the mind of humanity. It probably lowered the IQ of your average binge watcher to the level of a chimpanzee and it made people docile, apathetic and complacent.

It’s not just a machine that spews propaganda and lies all day, but it actually dumbs people down, and causes massive psychological damage, as the average TV program resembles very closely the Prolefeed from Orwell’s 1984 novel.

It has always been a tool of propaganda, just like how the newspapers were censored and royally-licensed from the get go. It’s never meant to be a tool of people to spread information freely and empower people with the truth. It was always meant to be a weapon of mass deception for the people in power to use against their subjects.

Perhaps initially you could see quality entertainment in the old movies that were not politically charged, perhaps a little bit but that’s normal, but nowadays the propaganda just screams, anyone “awake” with half a brain could detect it, it has became massive where every TV program no matter the target audience contains some kind of deception, politically. Let’s take them one by one:



The chickflicks films are the lowest trash that they can put out, it’s really a Prolefeed meant to distract people, especially women, with superficial sexually charged content. But not even normal sexuality, but something very disgusting like you see on some trashy porn websites. Things like 70 year old grannies with 18 year old guys, just disgusting. I mean it couldn’t get any lower than this, and for some reason women love it. Not all women, but most women fall prey to this nonsense including my wife, who doesn’t really get into it, she just watches them out of boredom, but really these kinds of movies reprogram your mind, so for whatever reason, just watching these, have enormous negative influence on you, even if you don’t take them seriously.

Plus it has feminist propaganda imbued into it, implying that men are all pigs and scumbags. It shows constantly that men are clumsy idiots, whereas women are always shown in a idol-like perspective almost like being superheroes who can do anything. It appeals to the women ego, and the narcissism of women in general.

Plus it also glorifies single motherhood as if that were something normal, but of course ignores single fathers, as if that would never happen. It is really this progressive bandwagon, to put women on welfare, have no father in the house, and let the State be your parent.

This is well described in 1984, as the destruction of the family is the main goal, because the family creates loyalty to something other than the State. So the State views the family as an enemy unit.


Superhero Movies

The superhero movies should not be something bad in general, it should be an entertaining movie, however it has a stupid message by design. People should wait for a hero to save the day and should not do anything themselves.

So it reinforces psychologically the need for an authority figure to do things instead of relying on their own skills and potential.

Mostly implies law enforcement, usually, since most superheroes go after “criminals”. So the superhero is an allegory for law enforcement, but not necessarily, in recent movies it may even represent the military-industrial-complex or spy agencies.

It’s obvious propaganda, plus in recent movies the enemy is always some kind of “terrorist”, so that is a reference towards the War on Terror, which has been an utter failure, plus is caused the Immigrant Crisis in Europe, and who knows what kind of future political/economic turmoils as a result of meddling in foreign affairs. But the movie paints it as if the program would have been successful, which it wasn’t. So it’s propaganda.

And these movies also try to justify the mass surveillance programs, and justify them as necessary to fight against whatever boogeyman they come up with just to justify tyranny. Literally, old movies talk about Soviets and Hitler, new movies talk about Middle Easteners or Russians or even Libertarians as the bad guys.

So it’s very politically charged, shilling for tyranny, I can’t even watch them.


Police Shows

Police shows are really the worst of them all, watching these is like swallowing a blowfish. It is very painful to watch them, since it rubs tyranny in your face as a nice sympathetic character, and as the viewer we are just supposed to accept and like that.

I mean all police shows just show you how they use facial recognition or break into houses without warrants, and it’s not even supposed to be a big issue, I mean it’s “necessary” to catch the bad guys, screw your rights, the important thing is for the good guys to catch the bad guys.

I mean I watched about 3-4 cop serials in total, but I have seen this motif repeat over an over again:

  • Cop character busts into house without warrant because he is in a “hurry”, then later the character explains, well we don’t have time for a warrant, we need to catch he bad guy quickly, so sorry if we violate your rights, it doesn’t matter.
  • Sometimes the cop character can’t arrest the guy since there is no obvious probable cause, so they just fabricate something quickly, either referring to some obscure law, like looking badly at a cop is like trying to assault him, so that is a probable cause for an arrest, or sometimes even things like giving a gun to the suspect and then saying that he tried to shoot a police officer, so he must be arrested. Literally, these motifs repeat in every cop movie to just find a lousy excuse to arrest somebody who seemingly didn’t committed any crime.

So it invokes that ends justify the means plus it says that rights doesn’t matter. I mean we constantly see snippets of police totally violating human rights, whether it’s illegal surveillance or just things mentioned above, but it’s explained in the movie as something we should accept, since catching the bad guy is more important.

Also I have really liked old detective movies or stories like the Sherlock Holmes universe, at least the book, where the focus is really on the mystery of the crime, and the detective work, putting pieces of evidence together. So these kinds of stories were quite good, the focus wasn’t on the cop, but on the mystery of the events.

Nowadays the focus is on the cop itself. It shows police characters as a nice guy, very sympathetic, with their own life issues and faults, but generally a nice guy.

And then it uses this “nice guy” character to just justify tyranny.

  • I mean if a nice guy pats you down and grabs your balls, illegally, then it’s totally okay.
  • If a nice guy shoots you, or damages your property, then it’s totally understandable.
  • If a nice guy kidnaps you for no apparent reason, just to fulfill his quest, then it’s very good.

So these motifs repeat over and over again, in every single show. Ends justify the means, and the police state is just there to protect you.

Whereas in the real world, its exactly the opposite, with things like civil asset forfeiture and the police killing innocent civilians, sometimes even kids, looks like something out of Nazi Germany.

Plus in real life you have literal labor camps, as in prisons where people are forced to work. So we are getting very close to Nazi levels of tyranny here, but the TV says it’s just all fine.

So it is blatant propaganda shilling for the police state and the surveillance state, totally distorting reality.



You know something is really messed up when even the documentaries are full of crap. I mean we are now getting documentaries about aliens & Egyptian pyramids, ancient technology from Atlantis , documentaries about the Illuminati and other forms of garbage on mainstream channels.

It can’t get any more hilarious than that. A documentary is supposed to be a motion picture based on facts, critical investigation and science, not about crazy lunatic theories.

But unfortunately this is the “science” that you are getting now. Not to mention the “climate change” hoax that they sometimes mix in there.

Climate change and especially the “Global Warming” part is an obvious deception. The evidence against Global Warming is overwhelming, yet these programs, mostly progressively oriented, just can’t stop covering it.

I am not going into detail into it in this article but every Global Warming “solution” seems to imply a Global Government, so even if it were true, it is a shilling attempt for a Global Totalitarian State.



News programs are just the classic form of propaganda. Either propaganda through omission or propaganda through deception.

Sometimes they cover fabricated events or sort of misdirections, while totally blackout (on all channels simultaneously, for some reason) on very important news. It’s just so obvious that it’s almost funny.

For example the 2013 Snowden leaks were barely covered in mainstream news and later they picked it up after the news got “cold”, so there wasn’t even a public debate on global surveillance, it’s almost like it’s not even an issue, trying to play down the issue.

Then there was also little or no coverage of the Immigrant Crisis, the Panama & Paradise papers, and so on. It’s ridiculously obvious, these were important events, yet no coverage, so it’s censorship.

Then you have the other kind of propaganda which is willful deception, like the “Election Meddling” in the US, which is very probably untrue, but even if it’s true, it skews the facts horrendously.

And this also ties into propaganda through Social Media which is becoming just like the TV, all non-approved news are thought crimes, so they are censored immediately. Reddit, Facebook and Twitter has censorship levels almost approaching the Soviets.

So free speech is certainly an illusion in the mainstream, and freedom & independence of the press is a lunacy to imagine to be true. The press is heavily controlled and censored, in all forms, be that online or via TV or radio.


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After not watching TV for a decade, if I see a TV show now, you will often find me yelling at the TV. The lies, deceptions and propaganda are just so obvious, in your face, and everywhere/all the time.

Even in a show that was about house flipping. It was lie after lie after lie. They weren't even getting their numbers straight.

The worst movies for women are divorce-porn. Telling a woman that she still has it, and can still get a good husband late in life. When the truth is, that after 30s, a woman has to look at dating 20 year older men. Their chances of finding anyone who will commit to them is almost none. The dating pool at that age is 6 women to 1 man. So, hollywood is really selling a pie in the sky story. The reality is they want families broken up and women to be old, lonely and discarded.

I agree with you, cop shows are the worst.
Especially CSI. Where in reality, 50% of murders aren't even investigated.

I kind of like the more subtle forms of propaganda, at least it puzzles me to try to look for them in movies. Even the word "pop" or "popular" is a deceptive , for instance they use many times some kind of political goal in mainstream movies and present them as something popular, like everyone likes it, a sort of appeal to majority fallacy, when in fact it's not even popular in real life.

Like take for instance some serials about cops, I wont name them, you can guess which one I'm talking about. And then you have there a motif that for instance some cop breaks into a house without a warrant, and then of course in a later scene they explain that they were in a hurry so it was righteous, like I said in the above article.

But that is 1 form of propaganda, the other form which is more hidden is when then in a later scene for example they visit the neighbor of the suspect or the victim of the suspect, and then the cop character tells them that they caught him by using "all means necessary" and the victim or neighbor approves that.

So this is a very subtle form of propaganda, in real life almost nobody approves of warrantless house searches, so this is kind of like making people believe subconsciously that everyone agrees to warrantless searches and arrests are legitimate.

Brilliant and subltle deception, very evil, but well executed from a methodical standpoint.

I agree with you, cop shows are the worst.

Yep, cop shows are really what can drive me crazy. I see tons of war movies as well, like 3-4 coming out every year, interestingly all are Middle-East themed whereas 20 years ago they were Soviet themed.

But I don't really care about them too much, neither the chick flicks, they are annoying but nowhere near as bad as the cop shows.

For me the cop shows are like watching Goebbels make a movie about the Gestapo and glorifying it.

It's in your face totalitarian propaganda, the worst kind of it, and they precondition you to accept and even enjoy tyranny.

It's so bad that I have to write another article about it, some other things came into my mind.

Well, I will look forward to your next post.
The truth shouldn't have to be said, but they are repeating lies over and over again, so truths should be said just as much.

Great post. I am saddened that you had to make it!
I really can't understand the mass number of people that are NOT awake to this. But I guess that is the point of "mass-hypnosis", the majority are not meant to be a wake!

The problem is I am also stuck in my own vortex, I look and see and read posts such as yours & nod my head, in some belief that the world is waking up, however slowly that may be happening.

The problem is I'm not sure if I'm deluded? is it just you & I & 1/2 doz others that are awake? :-) There are no metrics as far as I know.

We need a "press this if awake" button or something :-)

Yes, I have put more effort into this post than usual, I have articulated things better than in my average posts.

I am really fed up with the TV, I wouldn't even have one if not for my wife's obsession with stupid serials, so I had to express my distaste for it.

Well you know reality is subjective, so it's hard to tell who is crazy and who is not ,but it seems like the human brain has some sort of rationality apparatus built in it, so if we logically analyze things step by step, then things make sense.

So we are not the crazy ones, since we think rationally. The TV watching zombies are the crazy ones since they don't think at all.

YES! I agree with you here. The term "unplug" is mighty and the act of unplugging is radical! I have personally never owned a tv, now I know that computers are related, however, there is more control in the content one seeks.


I envy you, living without a TV must be a new form of liberation. I keep telling my wife to get rid of the TV but she insists of keeping it, furthermore she wants to buy a Smart TV (telescreen) in our bedroom, I have fortunately persuaded her to drop that silly idea but even the normal TV is damaging, so hopefully I can persuade her sometime to get rid of that, it's not in our best interest.

Anything "Smart" should be the warning tag you need to know in order to go the other way -- just wait until 5g comes online.

You should join us in the #informationwar tag. Good points on news shows, I should add that propaganda is more about interpreting reality (for viewers) in a certain, convenient way, than just spinning some specific events or omitting/misinforming about them. Great post...

thanks I'll do that, I didn't know that tag existed, will post there my next article.

A very accurate description.
We went to the movie American assasin. I sat there and yeah the Russian had the plutonium. I said to my man, and now come the Iranians .........wait.......and there you have it the Iranians want to build a bomb.

I don't have a TV, and when I go visit some people and see some stupid TV program or the news, I can't imagine going back to buying or watching TV. I can't stand the propaganda. I also hardly listen to the radio anymore.

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