Peace and Safety Day followed by Death and Destruction

in #news7 years ago

United Nations declares September 21st the International Day of "Peace and Safety".


1 Thessalonians 5:3 While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

The Biblical Year 5777 ends on sunset September 20th 2017.

Nostradamus C10:Q74 The year of the great seventh number accomplished, it will appear at the time of the games of slaughter, not far from the age of the great millennium, when the dead will come out of their graves.


The Ecumenical Order of Christ have been Warning the World of this Prophetically imminent time.

The Lord of Storms has arrived and is pummeling the USA. Hurricane Irma was twice as powerful as every World War Two bomb dropped, and Hurricane Maria is on its way...

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So much, all at once. The world can't honestly claim peace or safety.

Prophetic events seem to be unfolding quite quickly now, and some of the masses are even beginning to ask questions and take notice..... but its not nearly enough, way too many still have their heads buried in the sand.

The scriptures are playing out right in front of peoples faces...Wake UP!

Armageddon & Apocalypse are here already!!


It looks like it is going to be a week full of madness

Very interesting. Let's see what happens ;)

Wouldn't be a surprise if little Kim decided to drop a bomb on that day!

thanks for sharing keep it up

It concerns me when Israel and America tries to declare peace and safety even though the Lord finds favor in Trump.

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