DTube - Canada To Sign The UN’s Global MIGRATION PACT - This Is NOT Good!

in #news6 years ago

Canada is about to sign a United Nations agreement on migration

even though there has been no referendum or public debate on the matter. In 2016 93 member countries signed on to the New York Declaration, which called for the adoption of a migration pact by the end of 2018 which brings us to today….

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth is joined online by PFT correspondent Leigh Stuart to speak about this global pact, what the implications are for Canadians and what the solutions SHOULD be to the current issue of global migration.

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▶️ DTube

Complete BS that we were given no say on the matter what so ever! JT will follow the herd as does every other PM 🤦‍♂️

Posted using Partiko iOS

I signed Maxime Bernier’s petition against the compact eons ago. I think Justin will sign it regardless of the uproar, but I suspect that Justin will eventually regret it.

Okay. I am totally for helping people in need, but as a Canadian, child of immigrants who had to flee for a better life, a father who ran from war, and with many other friends who are immigrants and children of immigrants, this is an UNFAIR position for JT to take that insults every person who applied to this nation legally and had to undergo the lengthy stressful process of becoming a Canadian citizen.

I know people who had to do things the old way, and were ALSO fleeing war and genocide. What does a position of "free migration" say to them now? how the heck is our tax system supposed to give the same offers of health care and welfare to these people when we have no cap of numbers due to FREEEEE migration??

A one world order would be great if we all had the same values and the same culture. But we dont. We cant even agree on shit in our own country, let alone dissolving borders completely.

Am I all for communitarianism? Sure. Do i like empathy-wishy-washy stuff? its crack cocaine to me. But there is a difference between moving people forward through consensual agreed desire to become bigger more cohesive communities and just sticking a bunch of people together and praying it all works out. These things take time, centuries, to meld cultures and to form new identities, not decades, and honestly this is just plain unethical for a government to just sign this off because they are a "majority".

Sure. It's not legally binding. But now the governments gonna do LEGAL things to meet this pact.

Like I said, all for immigration and refugees, when done with care for the current system. Not just ideological hogwash that only works in fiction novels.


Posted using Partiko Android

What in the world do these nations plan to accomplish by doing this? Do they want cheap labor? Do they want voter support? Do they want to dilute their nation into some melting pot of humanity? I've never seen ANY of these nations give a reasonable answer to why they just want to ship in thousands of people. Are they virtue signaling? Do they want to the title of Most Immigrated Nation?

This is a complex one. Where I agree there should be no borders and people should be able to move freely. I don't think there will be a sudden influx of people there are concerns. To make laws on peoples opinion is very scary indeed. I feel there is a hidden motive to this its good migration should be available when what is going on behind the scenes? 💯🐒

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