If You Want True Financial Freedom Here’s an Idea…DON’T Save For Retirement!

in #news5 years ago

Retirement is an outdated experiment that ultimately failed.

Retirement is an antiquated notion that is being replaced by an entirely different life mindset, one that focuses on being your own boss, living your life’s passion and finding financial freedom. Finding financial freedom means letting go of your reliance on a 401(k) or on a pension plan. When we achieve financial independence, we clear our debt and we use passive income to pay the bills. Baby boomers are always giving millennials advice on the importance of saving for the future. But Daniel Ameduri says the strategies that worked for one generation may be wrong for the next!

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Daniel Ameduri of Future Money Trends about his new book “Don’t Save For Retirement - A Millennial Guid To Financial Freedom”

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It is an interesting interview and better to buy assets that can generate a passive income stream.

Where does the income come from? Is it being created from thin air, or is somebody losing so that you can win? If somebody is losing.... who? Is it possible for everyone to win, or is this a strategy that promotes division, and a poor-get-poorer system?

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