CHRISTIAN Charged With HATE CRIME Plus $104 MILLION Suit Via The LGBTQ Community!

in #news6 years ago

There is a wave of censorship coming like we’ve never seen before and conservative christians in particular, are now on the chopping block.

If your beliefs and/or political views challenge the leftist status quo, then you will become a target for being taken down!

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Bill Whatcott, a Christian conservative activist who is being charged with a hate crime for distributing flyers at a pride rally. Bill has been outspoken about abortions and the right to life as well as the ills of living a homosexual lifestyle which has caught the attention of some members of the LGBTQ community who are now seeking $104 million in damages.

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Speaking of crimes its funny or rather I should say disgusting how in these pride parades you see half naked people with whips and chains, imitating sexual acts, balloons that are in the shape of male genitals with children witnessing these things! If adults want to view this I don't care but when you bring children to this! Its the parents or parade organizers or government or maybe even the media who stay silent about this who should be sued and put in jail.

Wow! Thanks for the heads up. As in Canada so in the United State and Europe. I throw away flyers all the time! The Supreme Court, unfortunately for this guy, are servants of the NWO (lucifer). Thanks for shining the light on this. This kinda stuff needs to be exposed so folks know what's going on. The MSM isn't going to say boo about ordinary people getting slapped with this kind of "life ruining" charges and lawsuits. That's the strategy here....litigate us into silence when they can't shut us down. It costs money to fight this whether he wins or not and so they win. This is mafia tactics! In a few years we will be political prisoners if we are not just killed.

The ball has been dropped, there is no stopping this train-wreck. These kind of sociopolitical out of control agendas have to burn themselves out. The problem is that they are instigated and promoted by people that have no understanding of consequences, they are driven by emotions, not by logic. And you can't fight emotions with logic, men been trying to do that for thousands of years, and it yet to have any positive results.
I have a great idea, all of us useful people, that actually work and produce everything for this society, we should all pack up and leave, and see how all these lgbtqs and feminists and jewish bankers, and the rest of them (I know, I bunching things up a little here, but what the hell) do without us fend for themselves.
©Of course, that's just my opinion and I could be wrong :)

I am tired of reading bullshit about homosexual lifestyle. There isn´t any particular lifestyle that homosexual people follow.

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