Breaking: Trump Signs Executive Order Reviving Keystone XL Pipeline

in #news8 years ago

Donald Trump has just signed an executive order

reviving the controversial keystone XL pipeline and

in this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth weighs in on two sides of this debate.

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Sort: surprise.
Bad move Donald.

well we are about to see the history of another politician turning his hair white , it's hard with Americans , always so edgy with their politics, no middle ground and we were taught there the politics were great because of the ability of parties to be active and change in their term , since they are two everything gets taken care of , :D mostly the people get serviced :D in the market kind of way :D pay those bills

There was a middle ground once upon a time - at least between the Republicans and Democrats. However things are becoming increasingly polarised.

I suspect one of the driving forces of this polarisation is the bountiful access to information and mis-information online. People tend to live within an echo chamber on social media. Constant exposure to sources that confirm their biases results in the amplification of those biases.

Didn't he promise 28k workers ? Here we go ! He makes me puke !

Exactly what we needed -- more rules and regulations from our "government." /s

I am trying to understand the rationale. He knows a lot that we as average citizens do not know. His business dealings also give him knowledge we do not have. Maybe this is his way of making sure we tell the foreign oil holders we are going to take care of our own needs, but then he is going to fund alternative energy instead? dreaming yep. I do not know what to make of things. He is pro zionist, anti two state solution, gave compliments to the death creators bayer and made nice to the pedos to their faces, and now he is signing away the rights of the first peoples lands. I have to research this more, but it is a hard pill to swallow that the one that seems to be taking down the beast system is doing other things that are perceived as of now as 'not good'. Like I said, maybe there is stuff we don't know. He is pretty smart after all.

smart , no Hillary is worse , he's not that great really, did you watch the debates, bunch of kids , with kidnergarden politics, flinging shit at each other, he's a big guy that thought he was bullied and he was now he's on top and everybody is going to eat it , he's a smart hater so he will shit on Obama , that's the biggest project yet, shame for the people getting relocated. And the normal progression towards the jump from the cliff.

if he starts doing all sorts of off the wall things we will know that he was compromised or cloned after killing the TPP which thinking people know was horrible for the american people

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