DTube - BREAKING: War With Syria Imminent Due To Israel/US False Flag Chemical Attack

in #news6 years ago

The war drums surrounding Syria are beating louder than they ever have before.

Nearly one year to the day in a scenario that has played itself out time and time again the US is accusing Syria’s Bashar Al Assad of attacking his own people just days after Trump announced the US would be withdrawing from his war torn nation. Right on cue an alleged chemical attack was launched killing many women and children providing the excuse that was needed to enter the region under the guise of a humanitarian mission.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth cuts through the lies by countering the propaganda while pointing the finger at the real enemy, Israel and the United States itself!

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▶️ DTube

Remember this?

DaWq5haVAAEwsVU.jpg large.jpg

Fuck it...I'm ready for WW3 now let's just cut the shit and get on with it so we can all (well those left) move on please.

Syria is a rich oil country and it produces 0.5% oil supply in global production - ...they destabilized the country... then war took place.... hmmm...

fantastic video! this needs to be resteemed far and wide!
a falseflag hoax leading us into another war once again. They even used mannequins this time!
There's no good side in this war, but the US still manages to come out as the worst of the bunch. Trump proving to be a puppet of the Miltary Industrial Complex, the Banks, the Oil Companies...and Israel.

Tucker Carlson: "What US national security interest is served by invading #Syria ?"
Senator Wicker: "Well, if you care about Israel.."

Love your vids, keep up the great work!!

Can anyone say false flag? I smell a rat. It really is getting old. Do they really think we are that stupid that we can't see their game?

The western war-mongers are at it again - with ZERO evidence of an actual chemical attack taking place. None. Pure speculation and fake propaganda videos or children 'receiving treatment'. It's all utter garbage to create outrage and 'something must be done'... Don't fall for it..

I couldn't have said it better.

No, I dont think they think we don't know. I think they think they'll get away with starting WWIII, and we won't be able to do a damn thing about it, as we die in droves.

Dan you are great . A lot respect for you and the work you are doing.

It breaks my heart watching innocent Syrian children in Pain and suffering.
May Allah the God Almighty protect and help all innocent people of the world. Ameen.

Glad I found press for truth on steemit. Didn't know you where here. Read and watch you around. LOL

You know, CL. I think YouTube might have done us a big favor................

Yep I have been thinking the same thing. I don't know for sure, but we will see.

Guys like Dan make $125 for his vid production, and we can earn a few pennies for doing what we would be doing for free, anyway. More important, this comment forum far exceeds any of the others... including Disqus because it allows us to uplink and bring in graphics into the mix, too.

dang. Dan's up to $167 already. Nice. These guys can stop begging for support. It's coming by osmosis.

Not from Dan Dicks you won't. I don't go on every article he produces but I have yet to see him even respond or upvote anybody. Then not only does he expect you to up vote his videos he even shows you exactly how to go watch his other videos so he can make more off his brand of propaganda. I don't know who is really right or wrong, I don't think you can believe any of them to be honest but Dan wouldn't make a dime if he was selling the same main stream media stuff hitting the nightly news, who'd brother go look him up to see what he has to say if all you had to do was click on the TV or go to your local news website. So he has to sell the we are on a brink of war due to false flag narratives. Maybe we are, maybe we aren't, they were saying the same thing last year....actually Dan just stated he's been claiming the brink of war narrative for the last six years. You can't believe the Russian narrative about rumors of chemical attacks anymore than anyone else's truth on the matter...because it's all about selling you something and to sell you something it has to have a different twist. For Dan Dicks to stand there and say Russia warned us about possible chemical attacks two weeks ago so it must be a false flag operation shows you what a dick head he can be...just how does he know that Russia wasn't setting up the false flag?...he doesn't he just wants to be able to sell a different narrative that will get the clicks. Every little click fills his pockets and he's not about sharing the wealth as you can plainly see.

too many negative waves, moriarity...........

I assume you are trying to say morality, yes morality or lack there of doesn't just apply to politicians. Plenty of people out there selling their brand of propaganda for a buck and then they wonder why we feel so confused and mislead.

no. It's a line from the 1972 movie "Kelly's Heroes". Go watch it. Great flick. Great cast, too.

The Syrian war can be seen openly. For the sake of power, for the purpose of a ruptured group or humanitarian group in Syria

Same story again and again. They might as well tell us we will do what we like. why bother making up bs.

where is Antifa now that we could put them to good use against the talmudThumping fascists? I hear those chirping crickets, don't you?

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