WOW! China Warns Trump: “We Will Prevent A North Korea Regime Change”

in #news7 years ago

Through the state run media on Friday, Beijing warned the US president on Friday that it would intervene militarily on North Korea’s behalf if the US and South Korea launch a preemptive strike to “overthrow the North Korean regime.”

“If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so,” it said.

As Zero Hedge reports:

At the same time, the Chinese regime made it clear that its preferred outcome would be a continuation of the status quo, warning Kim Jong Un that it would “remain neutral if North Korea were to strike first.” The article, cited by Rueters, reiterated calls for a diplomatic solution. However, the possibility of talks between the two sides was looking increasingly remote as both Trump and Kim continued to exchange threats of nuclear annihilation, with Trump clarifying Thursday that his earlier promise to respond with “fire and fury” should the North continue to threaten the US may not have gone far enough.

As broken down by Steemian @joshsigurdson, a conflict between the U.S. and North Korea will devastate the lives of millions of people. Gurdson's analysis will come absolutely true if China is drawn into the possible conflict.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has just kicked off a joint military exercise with Japan this week and plan to do ahead with massive sea, land and air exercises later this month with South Korea.

Jason Ditz of asks the question: question: can the US, having attacked North Korea and started a calamitous war, claim it was done in “self-defense“? ...

Obviously they can, and would, try to do so. Some officials are already try to build a legal case that North Korea is a special case and that US military action would be justified, which only adds to concerns that a US attack might be forthcoming.
Making such a claim credible, however, is another matter. Throughout the past half a year of rhetoric, the US has been threatening North Korea far more than North Korea has been threatening the US. A third party observer would have little choice but to conclude that, while plainly both sides share blame for the worsening tensions, the US has broadly been the instigator of this row.

What are your thoughts on this matter? Leave a comment below!

GIVE US A FOLLOW! Thanks for reading!


At the end of the day, Korea is the buffer between the United States and China in the Pacific. If the US really cared about the people of North Korea, it would be working with the Chinese to calm tensions come to a diplomatic solution (if possible).

Preemptively attacking North Korea would of course end with the Chinese siding with North Korea, as it is just a piece of the geopolitical chessboard.

P.S. Thanks for quoting Ditz & The more exposure they receive the better.

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