
Don't you think it odd to ask me that once I indicate that the science of how they might work debunks the indoctrination of how they claim it works?

Do yourself a favor and ask better questions that don't seek to mock the other person as "conspiracy theorist", or don't and continue to mock people for daring to investigate and research things that are not as technical as they are made out to be. After all, the science of vaccines and viruses alike has largely been constructed on conjecture. For example the claim that poliovirus was isolated in 1908 and 40 years later is based on the crudest methods you can imagine, and there has been not only investigative journalists that exposed it but microbiologists as well, and said isolation, both times, has absolutely zero merit.

One of the numerous studies that exemplifies that lock and key is not how they function at all is called something like "Not for the faint of heart, antibodies for immunolabeling by electron microscopy" and it's not titled so because it's overly technical, but because of the conclusions and revelations. If you want to delve into how much of a fraud, knowingly or because of hubris, poliovirus isolated was open up Fear of The Invisible. As I've said, vaccines and virus isolation has been debunked and exposed by doctors, virologists, immunologists and microbiologists alike for over 100 years, and doctors and nurses have exposed the immunization under-reporting or misreporting by factors of 15-1 since the Smallpox immunization happened in England in the 1860's, all through the numerous instances of hospitals being overran with smallpox and other complications from vaccines in the early 1900's.

Posted using Partiko Android

The endocannabinoid system was discovered in 92, do you know it's importance to both the nervous and immune system since then? Is it a conspiracy theory that cannabis is still only "appropriate" if it's synthesized and even though it's a Schedule 1 substance that otherwise has no benefits, unlike Cocaine which is Scheduled 2. The CDC, FDA and AMA have a long history of suppressing science and fear mongering anything that challenges the financial formulae of monopolizing molecules and compounds. Fluoride in water and toothpaste is still "for your teeth" as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

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