Belgium, more divided as ever...

in #news6 years ago

Extreme right and extreme left wins

Like in the other countries in Europe, the communal elections of today in Belgium have created a situation that can be potentially toxic for the federal elections in May of next year.



Extreme right wins big. Overall Vlaams Belang wins more than 5 % in flanders and PVDA, which is the communist party wins more than 1 %. The more central parties lose all a little bit overall.

This means, that the country gets more divided than before. Very opposing parties will make it very hard to form a coalition if this trend continues until may next year.

Conclusion, Europe is a tinderbox! And Belgium is no exception.




I have spoken to a number of people from different European countries and this seems to be the trend amongst them all at the moment. A lot of people expressed that there is a serious disconnect between groups mainly resulting from immigration policies.

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