Would You Rather See Ads Or Mine Cryptos? Telegram Users Hacked & Iceland Running Out Of Electrictiy | Coffee With Jane

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Happy Valentines Day, Love Birds

Today, in morning coffee with Jane I cover Salon.com, a media outlet, lets you pick your poison. Ads or crypto mining? Which would you choose? I also cover telegram getting “cryptojacked” and Iceland running out of energy because of bitcoin mining. All good interesting stuff happening all over the world because of Cryptocurrencies! Watch to get all of the details.

I hope you all have a great valentines day,
Jane ❤

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Mining crypto seems a little expensive because we need ultra fast hardware to make some profit. I guess a little ad will not hurt ^^

I think she is referring to mining via the web-browser. This is an increasingly popular thing lately with some sites even doing it when you visit them without notifying or telling you. There's not a lot of money in it at all but you can make a few cents here and there.

I would personally rather allow websites to mine crypto in my browser.

however i want them to ask me and let me decide what % of CPU they will use. i have blocked quite a few sites becuase they try to mine without telling you at a CPU usage of like 70-80%

Mining in browser is fine as long as it doesn't affect much the performance of the PC.

Thats really great stuff, I would have to agree with you on that!

Another super video @paolajane !
Iceland can probably sell water for electricity when we all run out of drinkable water :)

Thank you so much, I appreciate it :)
And maybe, haha! You should pitch that idea to them.
Thanks so much for commenting!

I would pick crypto mining. You know as long as you get something even 1% getting paid to do what you were going to do anyways. If not I would still choose crypto mining. That means cryptocurrency will grow more and that's always good news. As for for Iceland running out of energy that's just insane! I hope you enjoy your valentines day!

They don't pay you, thats how they pay themselves actually! But it definitely will help crypto grow, at least I think lol
Have a great one!

Happy v day my friend!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Happy Valentines day hope you get lots of chocolates <3!!!

literally drinking coffee right now

wish I had the Steemit cup tho :/

Really cool that that website is upfront about it and gives you the option. Personally I'd probably still choose ads lol, but only because I don't know enough about it and feel vaguely bothered by the idea of something running, like I'm hosting a parasite or something 😲

When it's all more mainstream and better understood etc, I could def see this as a way for websites to move away from ads. I like it.

Haha thats awesome.
You know, you're not alone, many people do feel weirded out by their computers being used! But for those who don't mind I guess its good that the option is there. :)
I like it too!

You are beautiful :))

On a (little bit) related topic, are you using Brave as a browser?

I do not, why you ask ?!

The story you told sounded familiar:

I like any information about the crypto's and not the ads.
There is a lot of stuff going on in the world of crypto currencies and surely is good stuff. Anyways happy valentine's day. Flowers for you.

Thank you so much for watching, happy Valentine’s Day!

It's my pleasure. Good day

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