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RE: Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018 (N.S.F.W.)

in #news6 years ago

This is just one amazing post of mind blowing info. Personally, I think that they do really carry out murder and mayhem in these shootings, so that it can be as real as possible to the viewers who consume the propaganda. The real victims don't get a voice, or camera time. A combination of that as well as scripted, manipulated and carefully selected participants and propaganda designed to fool the viewer into promoting the real agenda. Although who really knows in the end what's actually happening. I do wonder however, where does the footage that exposes some of the obvious fraud come from? How does that get out into the social media realm? It amazes me that it's not even more controlled, to hide every single trace or exposure of the fraud. Maybe I'm missing something.

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