FBI Director Christopher Wray - out of his depth and in total denial

in #news6 years ago

It was a dark day yesterday for the FBI with the release of the DOJ Inspector General's report.

But when I heard the FBI Director Christopher Wray's news conference - my hopes sank and I realized there are darker days ahead.


Christopher Wray misinterpreted the Inspector General's report to claim there was no political bias at the FBI.

His response to the Inspector General's report - more training - the swamp's answer/excuse for everything.

More Training ?????

But what are they going to train when the FBI Director cannot see the political bias staring him in the face.

Christopher Wray is in total denial - he is missing the opportunity to face facts, clean house, and win back the respect of the American people for the FBI.


It seems like ppl are very angry with Wray with the recent report

I don't have to time to look into whether the findings were fair or not, but many ppl seem to think they aren't

I think the IG did a good job laying out the facts - but simply drew the wrong conclusions.

Totally agree!! His statements left me bewildered. I just hope this was more of a spin strategy and he understands the truth but was trying to avoid disparaging the institutions as a whole! But I am definitely skeptical!

I am past the point of giving Wray the benefit of the doubt.

He has been playing hide the ball with congress - not turning over requested documents - and now claims there was no political bias at the FBI.

I watched it live and had the same reaction. It was a few minutes of mealy mouthed spin about how bias wasn't 100% totally confirmed, and then that ridiculous launch into how great the FBI is, and all the new and wonderful training, to insure that absolutely everyone from now on knows that they can't use the FBI as their own political tool. Huh?


Um ... Chris? So nevermind about MIdyear? No harm done, right? As long as everyone agrees that Comey's doofusness only hurt Hillary, then no foul? What? No show here folks, keep moving?

How many people are in on the whitewash, fer cryin out loud?

Well said.

And Chris Wrey's performance did not improve yesterday at the Senate hearing.

He cannot fix the problem because he cannot see the problem.

Maybe it's like dogs can hear sounds humans can't.

Maybe this is a problem "deplorables" see that the elites are blind to.

I caught most of the first day with Horowitz, and some clips of the second day, and I was entirely satisfied with his answers and demeanor. You could even see his eyes brighten if one of the questioners unearthed something significant. I remembered that his role is to collect evidence. He doesn't have the power to "make people talk", and can only interview current employees.

Wray was amazingly consistent, wasn't he?. What was that? Robocrat? And his demeanor, with all that squirming and fidgeting? This guy is in charge of something? Oh ... yeah that's right, he's in charge of the FBI - yes, of course he is - makes perfect sense - I feel so ... secure? It was disappointing to see.

Sorry about all the question marks, heheh. The whole explanation for this just remains so absurd. You have to adopt an entirely different mindset to buy it. I can't get there, never could.

Actually, because I know a little bit about how the internet works, I was suspicious when the whole email hack came to light and got pointed to "those Russians", and later, it was conveniently "the Russians" who were in cahoots with Trump. It seemed a lot like putting your own bag of poop on someone elses doorstep and ringing the bell.

There never were any "Russians".

Oh, and I'm definitely a Deplorable - I fit all the criteria. We're supposed to be dumber than this, aren't we?

The whole Russian hack thing seemed like a frame up to me.

Notice how they "confuse" which "emails" they are referring to. Hillary's or those on the DNC server or John Podesta's. And then intermingle the timeline to suit their spin.


You've seen the VIPS results of their analysis of the DNC hack? A thumbdrive.

And Gucifer looks pretty pseudo. The explanation for pinning it on "The Russians" is in part that there was evidence of a cyrillic keyboard being used, 'cause of course when you're hacking you definitely want to leave clues like that. So said Clapper and Brennen, smart fellows that they are.

And never mind 4 years of wide open digital communications to and from the Sec of State, in foreign countries. Musta been "The Russians" - couldn't have been anyone else in the entire world. She spent most of those 4 years flying around the world, making connections with powerful people.

Well said...I completely agree.

great analysis @ozphil ! thanks for sharing it :) I discovered your account with this post, and seen the great news your uploading, so I followed you !
have a beautiful Sunday !

Thanks for following. I hope you enjoy my posts.

with great pleasure ! for the ones I've read, very much !
have a nice week !

You are spot on. Wray missed an excellent opportunity to right the ship. SMH, trying to understand it.

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