
Just a few questions/observations as I read through.

Why was the specific day in October 2016 that the FISA warrant was dated redacted? (In a subsequent application Pg 100, they say Source #1 was suspended in October 2016 for unauthorized disclosure of information to the press. I wonder if this was before or after the date of the original FISA application. Maybe that is why they have redacted the date. This is pure speculation on my part - just wondering out loud.

Para 2 says the target was identified by the State Department - Hillary's old stomping grounds.

Well the FBI is certainly bold. On page 18 they are accusing Carter Page of working with the Russians to "raise a DOSSIER" on Hillary. To make their case - they are relying on a Dossier paid for by Hillary's campaign. You cannot make this stuff up.

3 of the FISA judges were Bush Appointees and 1 was a Reagan appointee - not that it should make a difference who appointed them, but still interesting to know.

The further you dig into the FISA application, the more material is redacted.

Based on the unredacted parts, most reasonable people would probably raise serious objections to that being enough to spy on a US citizen.

There seems to be a lot of reliance on media reports and statements from members of Congress after briefings - all of which were probably based on information either directly or indirectly from a single source.

So if I tell enough people bad stories about you and they comment on it, then it seems that is enough for me to get a FISA warrant issued to have you spied on.

Very strange.

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