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in #news6 years ago (edited)

Top stuff. I like your enthusiasm and wish you were right but sadly don't believe you are.

Firstly I don't think Her Madge had any choice, can you imagine what would have happened if she declined to sign? Secondly I think the British Crown (having successfully married into the 8 families) are still very powerful on the international stage. You could argue, in fact I do, that Germany didn't lose WWII, the EU is effectively the Fourth Reich and Central banks control everything (through the BIS) and possibly Her Madge (retaining control of the City) and the Germanic Rothschild's (with control of the BIS and the Fed) sit at the head of it. But that's a bit off topic maybe.

Most importantly the UK aint leaving mate. I can't find a single EU institution the UK have committed to leaving yet. I think The European Space Program may be one. All we've heard is how the UK are going to have the closest possible partnership with the EU, post Brexit.

What Brexit?

We've seen talk of some sort of customs union from Labour and Tories alike, talk about staying in the single market or paying exorbitant fees for access, a general willingness to accept freedom of movement from all sides of the political establishment and virtually nothing at all about the obvious benefits of actually leaving. The UK didn't even need to trigger A50 in the first place, it could have simply repealed the EC Act. The political establishment in the UK have more or less taken a no deal possibility off the table thereby ensuring the UK gets the worst deal possible and handing all the negotiating power to the EU Junta.

But most worryingly it appears the UK are going to be wholly tied to PESCO and complete EU military unification. The UK's bilateral 2011 treaties with France have ensured that, should the UK ever leave the EU (which I seriously doubt) it wont have an independent defense policy and won't be able to defend it's sovereignty anyway. Without an independent defense the UK ceases to exist as a sovereign nation.

I am starting to think that there was never any intention for the UK to leave. Brexit was a complete farce designed to keep everybody talking about meaningless drivel while the EU surged ahead with military, banking and fiscal union. None of which it would have been able to do while the UK were actively engaged. So the British government and its people have been distracted by a nonsensical Brexit that simply won't happen in any meaningful way. When it all collapses and the next referendum returns a massive vote to remain, which I am almost certain it will, the UK will be slung back into an EU which has successfully put in place all the mechanisms of a federal super state. Central Bank, Monetary Policy, Fiscal control and military. Job done.

....And the central bankers will laugh and laugh and laugh.

As for Trump I have no idea what to make of him. I like his determination to hold talks with Putin and Kim Jong-un but his position on moving the Israel embassy appears to indicate he is just another Zionist puppet. Certainly he's surrounded by them, Jon Bolton being the worst example probably. Basically I think he was scuppered when he lost Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. From that point onward he appears to be a pretty isolated figure. I very much doubt he chose to appoint Bolton.


No Worries @oyddodat - Thank you for this reply, I really appreciate your insightfulness and like where you are coming from, I know this sounds a bit crazy but, I believe that queens signature, signals the takedown of the European Union and it will not exist in any form past 2019 - We Will See?

it appears to me that trump and the deep state white hats (Q) have the Washington swamp locked down and have turned their attention to the EU - I agree Jon Bolton is a horrible man, but what better person could you task with taking down the EU, I think Deutsche Bank is the trigger that will bring the EU down, again we will see -


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