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RE: Cash NOT Accepted

in #news7 years ago

I was just working on that bot and the best I can tell is that it's for curation. I can't see where you can set it up to vote for posts from a certain person. I will look into other bots.

I think setting up a voting bot for curation is a good thing. When you manually go through the posts it's daunting to say the lest. Also a lot of the post are not very interesting or they are duplicates. And I should know because I create a lot of uninteresting posts. Since you earn SBD for curation, I figured the bot would be the most efficient way.

I went on to github yesterday to research how to write a script to set up a bot. I'm a little rusty with python programming but I'm looking forward to the challenge. Another thing I'm looking into is to set up this data base of steemit users but I don't want to have to individually type them into a data base. There must be a way to access the block chain and develop a list from that.


whoa there! you have gone well over my head. I am an absolute goon when it comes to computers. The language is so vast I get lost very quickly. Would love to learn so if you know any novice links that would be great.

You are right, there are a ton of languages. The popular ones are C, C++, JAVA, PHP and one that I like is python. The languages (in the C family) use classes, methods and instantiation. It is confusing. It is a very good language but you have to work at it for a while to get the hang of it. In short, methods are sort of like operations and the act on certain classes, if you need a certain method but the class your in is not allowed to be operated on by that method, you need to encase the class in a wrapper to fool the method. It's confusing just to explain it. If I were you, I won't start off trying to learn C. After you work at programming, you might give it a try.

Python in my opinion is easier to understand. As I mentioned to you prior, I took some online courses (free). Here is the link to coursera with a listing of some basic python courses.

It's be a few years since I joined so I can't exactly remember how to sign up but it was fairly simple. As with everything online, I suggest you sign in using a pseudonym. I also can't remember the courses I took but the good thing is if you find it too hard or you don't like the way the teacher is laying it out. You can just stop and search for a course you like more. You (most likely) will have to download a python IDE (integrated developer environment) so you can write code and the IDE will assemble and compile it for you. It will also provide you tools so you can troubleshoot the code. Here's a link to some IDE information.

I know after you read the information on these links you'll probably need a few beers. At the start (like everything) it seems very confusing but as you get accustom to working with it you'll find it gets easier. The key is to just keep plugging at it.

If you need some moral support, you can comment me. I'll help you out.

Geeza! That is very nice of you. Thanks for doing this, I will make a start and give you an update. You never know we may be able to restart this original conversation. No not the Queen lyrics, that would be a Tragedy, and when the feelings gone and you can't go on its.... ;)

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