Through the Pizzagate and what Oren found there

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Let me start by making one thing clear. Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory, and not even a very good one. There is no child trafficking chain, run by Hillary Clinton and/or the Podesta brothers and/or anyone else of those who were mentioned as involved. I am 100℅ convinced of that. If you think I must be crazy (or an Idiot, or whatever) for thinking so, you can stop reading and go send your sarcastic replies right now.

Having said the above, let me also say this: Although Pizzagate story itself is not real, it reveals some very frightening truths about the society, not only of the US but of the majority of Western democracies, including my own country, Israel. Truths that should concern anyone who cares about the world we live in.

This post, in which I am going to discuss some of these issues, is a bit longer than my usual posts. I feel that I have to address the matter once and for all because quite frankly, I am getting tired from the way it keep popping in my Steemit feed.

I will begin with an issue that is maybe not the most alarming, but underlines all the others, and that is the conventional media’s response to the Pizzagate story. If it wasn't for the shooting incident in the “Ping Pong Comet”, they would probably ignore the story completely. This is very sad because the issues that I am writing about here, should have been now in discussion, in opinion articles of the NY times and by expert panels in NBC and CNN. So why aren't the conventional media channels doing that? Because they never do. It’s not good for their rating to even mention these issues. Nobody wants to hear the word “Pedophilia” while eating dinner.

Which brings me to the next issue, and that is that our Children are not safe. The fact that a story like Pizzagate can seem as credible to anyone at all, is very disturbing. We all know that pedophilia and other forums of child abuse are unfortunately, a very real thing. It is also a known fact that in most cases, the abusers are people that the children know, and quite often people that they look at as authoritative figures. Now what does that tell us? It tell us that this terrible phenomenon is rooted deep into our cultures. This is something that calls for major soul seeking. Yet we keep looking at child abuse as “disgusting” and “unthinkable”, while our own children are at risk.

Our children's safety falls prey, just as is the well being of other weak parts of society, to the tendency of leaders, never to take responsibility for the real matters, and instead, deflect any criticism pointed at them in other directions, no matter how cunning and deceitful they have to be to do so. And that is the next issue that rises from the Pizzagate story. Major concerns, such that require the effort of the whole society to deal with, become material for inter - partisan mud throwing. If a priest in a church is accused of pedophilia, non religious people will use the event to smear all religions, and if a high society person is caught, others will point at the corrupt lifestyle of the privilege ones. But in fact, pedophilia and many other social problems are everywhere and are everybody's problem, that we should all feel responsible for and do something about.

And then there is how we got completely lost in regards to respecting other people in general, and privacy in particular. There is a reason why the Podesta E-mails seem somewhat cryptic to the casual reader, and that is that they were not meant for other people to read. They belong to a private circle of people that share a mutual understanding, just like anyone of us has with her or his friends and acquaintances.

In an atmosphere where everything is made public, scrutinized and dissected, we are all in double jeopardy. Not only that we are in a higher risk of becoming victims of abuse and defamation, but it is also that in this situation, where it is so hard to prove bad intent, evil doers can always claim to be themselves, the victims.

A more responsible and respectful behavior by all of us, would help us trust and protect one another. One of the questions that rise every time a story about child abuse or other kinds of tacit violence comes out, is how come nobody knew and said something? If we will know when not to spread unsubstantiated allegations, perhaps we will also know better, how to notice that something is wrong and speak up.

Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory. It is very tempting to believe that it was brewed by someone who deliberately intended to hurt Hillary Clinton and her close circles, or maybe just stain the reputation of the Democratic party. But it is very much possible that the conspiracy theory just evolved without any particular person being in charge. This kind of crowd sourced stories are not unlikely to be created on the Internet, which is perhaps the most concerning thing that comes up from this story. At any moment, any one of us can fall victim to a conspiracy theory and not be able to protect his or hers good name. It is something that we should all think about. Not just because of the risk to ourselves but also because the devastating effect this situation has on our cultures.



I'm back after a break. I told you what I thought about this for the most part earlier, so I won't bother repeating.

On the topic of it being created to hurt Hillary Clinton, there is a lot she has done indisputably that achieves that result on its own. The day they started the Clinton Foundation it became a slippery slope into the inescapable depth of corruption. I personally don't believe that Hillary is in charge of orchestrating a pedophilia ring. This is because she is busy and does not likely care. I doubt she cares about anything except for fulfilling all the backdoor deals she got herself into. I do know that her husband is into underage teen girls, which is illegal in the US, so in that respect the connection is there.

However, the moment they started that Foundation they became entrenched in corruption well beyond the typical political level, which is astronomical as it is. In all Causes, to get donations you must do favors. No insider deals = no donations. That's how every single Foundation, Charity, or Non-Profit works. I have a strong background in this sector and I can't think of that many that don't. If they're honestly providing a service without these side deals, they fail. No one donates without getting something back.

Foundations are the most at risk of corruption as they handle monetary distributions and are generally proprietary. Even if one was started with a public good premise, it quickly becomes overwhelmed with insider greed and thievery. In the case of the Clintons, it is doubtful that they started it to benefit others; it is just a way to get an extra paycheck and dodge taxes. Still, to fill its coffers one must make a lot of underhanded deals. Start small and escalate. Thievery and greed take over. All groups operate the same way; once you slip there is no climbing back out.

Anyways ... Amongst these favors, backdoor deals and other agreements (many of which were well-documented and investigated way before Hillary ran for the Presidential Office) there are bound to be donations, allotments, fundraisers attended or held, etc to the most unimaginable filth on the planet. The moment anyone and everyone heard that a Foundation has opened its doors -- doesn't even matter which one it is -- they flock to it. You can link anyone with anything. That doesn't mean you disregard it all without due impartial investigation, as I said in my earlier replies.

Here's an example from my own experience. I was looking for somewhere to volunteer and support and mentioned in my classified post that I'd support financially. I got three replies back: one was a small charity which wanted to build a little train for a local farmers market, one was a pyramid scheme (the person who contacted me thought it was a legitimate business), and one was a plan to build a religious school (which turned out to be a front for indoctrinating children to support ISIS). So that's two out of three that were pure dogshit and the scum of humanity.

Anyways, don't want to hijack your post. I have many more to read now that I've returned to Steemit.

In 1995, Cathy O'Brien claimed in her book that Hillary Clinton raped her (as she was a CIA sex slave via the documented MK Ultra project). That same year, Bill Clinton issued a formal apology to victims of human experimentation at the hands of the US government.

How does one explain Podesta's bizarre emails about pizza? Who talks like that?

Someone with secrets.

Whether pizza gate is real and tied to the Clinton circle or it's made up to hurt the Clinton circle does not negate the fact that both Clintons are war criminals and used their foundation to rip off the Haitians and launder money from nations that hold ill-will towards America and its people.

Hillary was indirectly involved in child trafficking via Laura Silsby

The Benghazi connection to human trafficking:

A reply to all replies above.

I certainly don't think the Clintons are saints. I mean, we are talking about Bill-"I did not have sex with that woman"-Clinton, and Hillary-"Not only that I will not cick him in the balls, but I will also help him destroy Monica"...

But please understand, I am not concerned about them but about us as citizens of democracies. We are letting ourselves slip down a slippery slope of irresponsibility.

Like I said, pedophilia is unfortunately a very real thing.

I never thought about Pizzagate that, "No way! This cannot be true!", and yet, after spending a considerable amount of time in looking at the so called evidence, I am convinced that these particular allegations are false.

If you want to start a discussion about terrible things, done by US governments over the years, I'm sure there is alot that we will agree about, but that is not the point of my post.

Please visit David Seaman on Youtube. I tried to invite him to steemit no success yet. He was fired from the Huff Post after reporting on Hillary Clintons health as was Dr. Drew Pinsky. David has continued to investigate and has received a content strike violation. His videos were also demonetized . Now after receiving donations from his viewers, paypal has locked his account. Thus keeping him from removing his money. If you want to know more, watch him before his channel is banned like fellow pizzagate investigator Reality Calls .Oh yeah and then there is this guy, third down from the president.

Like I said, child abuse is unfortunately a very real thing. I didn't change my mind about Pizzagate in particular though.

Thanks for the response and have a good day! Keep steeming

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