Bitcoin Trading, Education Come to Russian Forex Giant Alpari

in #news7 years ago

528_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy84MjBjN2E1YmFhZmZhYWIxMTE4NTk4OTM0OWVjNWU2Ni5qcGc=.jpgRussia’s biggest forex trader Alpari has launched Bitcoin trading and will provide courses educating users how to handle cryptocurrency.

As Finance Magnates reports Tuesday, Alpari, which has been eyeing crypto markets since at least last year, has added so-called contracts for difference (CFDs) for BTC/EUR and BTC/USD.

“The cryptocurrency market is still in its genesis stage,” a technical analysis piece released by the site following the launch reads.

Спрос на криптовалюты вернулся #валютныйрынок

— Alpari (@RUAlpari) July 4, 2017
The move is a firm statement of belief not just in Bitcoin’s outlook globally but in Russia itself, the country signaling a commitment to formal regulation of cryptocurrency markets by next year.

Previously, cryptocurrency languished in a gray area which more often than not resulted in authorities seeking to block consumer access to associated businesses such as exchanges and information portals.

As Finance Magnates notes, Alpari is considered something of a “trendsetter” in forex markets, having previously wheeled out now-popular technologies ahead of the pack.


Wow! This is great news for the crypto community. I'm really curious on what the upward potential of the alt coin market is, especially if nations are getting involved in the regulation of these coins. Thanks so much for the update! Really love seeing posts like this.

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