“Countering non-linear ‘hybrid’ aggression” challenging modern conflict expectations - Warrior Crypto Poet

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Are you Interested in understanding current threats facing our world in 2018 and perhaps wishing to engage in meaningful discussion?

(Note that the following has been edited for obvious reasons as this is a public forum):

Threat Convergence: In the domain of security and conflict, increased social inter-connectivity, access to rapidly advancing cheap technology, socio-economic volatility and a myriad of opportunities to strike at vulnerable interests, represent an increasingly complex high threat environment. The blurring of lines between states, multinational corporations, terrorist groups and non-state actors create a “hybrid” threat.

Whether facing terrorism, a humanitarian disaster or a cyber-attack on Critical Energy or National Infrastructure, it is no longer possible to easily define the origin, objective or long-term effects. Riots, propaganda and heightened ethnic and religious tensions in urban areas across semi-sectarian divides are signs of these changes. Actions abroad are visible immediately to audiences and actors at home and some may be influenced to become adversaries. This dynamic can quickly lead to a butterfly effect within other unexpected neutral target sets.

The highly complex human terrain paradigm with rapid inter-connected cause and effect dynamics, in the context of an unstable global socio-political environment, encourage a convergence of hybrid and terrorist adversaries and the threat that they represent. The combination of traditional and irregular adversaries must be expected and understood.

The Total Defence concept is predicated upon the integration and mutual support of Psychological, Civil, Social, Economic and Military defence strategies. The military element is arguably the most straightforward: a well-trained, well-equipped effective joint force with strong multi-national partners, a sizeable effective reserve and an open-minded attitude towards new doctrine, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures.

Other key elements are somewhat more ambiguous, yet arguably critical to the successful overall grand strategy. Embracing innovation and long-term economic strategies, whilst strongly supporting national infrastructure and resource efficiency is essential to concept success. The psychological sense of having something valuable to protect and the consequent need to overcome prejudice and develop a sense of social cohesion is arguably the critical source of total defence strength.

This is achieved not only through community bonds, culture and political reform; but also through education opportunity and economic prosperity. Total Defence represents more than a national security strategy – it is a culture of big ideas designed to pull together the fabric of a complex society to provide both the internal resilience and the ability to project military, economic and diplomatic strength. The comprehensive approach including soft and hard (hybrid) power must start amongst the population to be genuinely effective and resilient.

The modern world faces domestic and foreign threats of varying likelihood and impact, as well as a stated responsibility to protect citizens and interests globally. The response mechanism must therefore be rapid and flexible to tackle these security risks and political goals.

Concurrently, socio-economic domestic measures to counteract identified weaknesses within the population will develop a renewed sense of national identity and pride that transcends racial and religious divides. When a threat emerges, it is not given time to metastasize. It is faced with a coherent integrated strategy that can implement carefully coordinated measures across the physical, cognitive, information and cyber domains simultaneously and decisively.

Threat response from a Total Defence model delivers a holistic plan and execute from the short to the long-term across multiple domains designed to affect multiple audience, actor, enemy and adversary target sets. All security forces must adapt and be prepared to act in a supporting role delivering bespoke capabilities.

The “Cross-government Integrated Approach”: Experience in recent conflicts has demonstrated the need for a plan that incorporates the people, the economy, politics, education and culture. A Total Defence model starts with deterrence and a forward leaning diplomatic posture that engenders multi-national support and strengthens economic ties.

It is arguable that preventative measures are the most effective; certainly in the long-term. Joint Integrated Approach and Action models still require further development. Lessons can be learned from recent improvements in cross-government integrated operations such as the international response to the Ebola virus outbreak in Western Africa.


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