Linking heart attack damage to the spleen and kidney, an integrated study of heart failure
Linking heart attack damage to the spleen and kidney, an integrated study of heart failure
By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week -- BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Heart failure after a heart attack is a global epidemic leading to chronic heart failure pathology. About 6 million people in the United States and 23 million worldwide suffer from this end-stage disease.
Ganesh Halade, Ph.D., of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, says researchers not only need to look at events in the heart as they seek ways to improve post-heart attack healing -- they also need to examine simultaneous changes taking place in the spleen and kidneys.
Why? Because the three organs are linked in the disease process.
The spleen, which is 4 inches long and sits in the upper abdomen, acts as a reservoir …!Search:a=14744939
(2017-12-02), Linking heart attack damage to the spleen and kidney, an integrated study of heart failure, Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, 1403, ISSN: 1532-4664, BUTTER® ID: 014744939